Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tyler is 4 Months Old!!

Yep, that's right.  He was four months on Saturday.  FOUR.  He is sooooo stinkin' cute!  See:

His stats from the doctor this morning:

Weight: 16 lbs 5 oz (75%)     [Lily was 15lbs 10 oz - 80%]
Length: 26 inches (85%)        [Lily was 27 inches - 95+%]

I was so surprised by his stats.  I really thought he was still going to be 95+% especially when new people see him they think he's 6 months old.

Sleeping Habits:  this month has been a little bit up and down with sleep.  When I first went back to work Tyler was going down to sleep at night between 10pm and 11pm and then sleeping until at least 5:30am but sometimes until 6:30 or even 7:00!  But since he got diarrhea, he's been all out of whack and waking up at least once a night usually around 3-3:30am.  Sigh.  During the day, he takes several short naps 30-40 minutes each.

Eating Habits:  Tyler's still on breastmilk only.  I'm nursing him about 3-4 times a day (depends on if he wakes up in the middle of the night) and taking 3-4 bottles at daycare for a total of 6-8 times a day.  At daycare, he's taking 4 ounce bottles.  The doctor told me we could start him on solids but I'm going to hold off on that for a bit longer yet. 

Awake Time:  Tyler is getting more and more active all the time.  He's rolled over several more times although doesn't really do it on a regular basis.  He's giggles and smiles and really hams it up when you talk to him.  He's also SUPER ticklish along his sides.  He doesn't seem to like sitting in the Bumbo seat which is unfortunate because that's one less method for getting him off his back and gaining neck and back strength. 

Now this wouldn't be a good blog post if I didn't have a story to tell about bathroom related incident.  How about I let a picture tell the story?

Yep.  That's right.  Joel peed his pants.  At least that's Lily's story and she's stickin to it!  Joel was holding Lily after work today and was talking to his mom while Lily watched Dora.  All of a sudden, in mid conversation with his mom, Joel's says:  What the?! is going on here!?  Lily just peed on me!  Lily!  You peed on me!!

Me: Lily, did you pee on Daddy?

Lily:  No

So I guess it's his word against hers. 

Lily has taken to getting in the fridge to get milk herself if we don't move fast enough when she wants some.  Tonight she brought me the entire gallon of chocolate milk - it was almost full!  When I went in the kitchen, the fridge was wide open and her whole milk was setting on the floor.  She knows we mix both white milk and chocolate milk.  She is something else!

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