Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Holy Hella Tantrum

The terrible twos seem to be having a bit of a reprieve in our house.  Which I guess is acceptable given that Lily JUST turned two.  I guess I had hoped we were through the worst since she seemed to have her major fits and meltdowns right around when we started her at daycare last August and things had been a lot better, but just this week, we've had some DOOZIES!

Yesterday, I had to work a little late and I didn't get home until about 5:45.  I had told Joel that he should go ahead and feed Tyler a bottle because he was going to be ready to eat long before I got home.  Well on my way home, while trying to pump in the car on the drive, I called Joel.  Tyler was SCREAMING his head off.  Joel said he was refusing the bottle.  Didn't want to have anything to do with it.  So I immediately stopped pumping and stepped on the gas to try to get home fast.  Mostly to rescue Joel, but also because I hate the thought of Tyler being hungry.

When I walk in the door, Tyler is laying on the floor, screaming his head off and Joel and Lily are in the back of the house and Lily is screaming her head off.  I mean TOP of her LUNGS screaming like her life was in imminent danger.  The reason?  She couldn't decide if she wanted to go potty or not.

Joel said he was trying to console Tyler and then Lily said she had to go potty.  So Joel puts Tyler down on the play mat and took Lily back to the bathroom and she pulled her pants down but then decided she didn't want to go potty.  So Joel tried to pull her pants back up.  But no, she wanted to go potty.  So he tried to put her on the toilet.  But no, she didn't want to go potty and was arching her back and refusing to sit on the potty.  So Joel told her he was going back to living room.  She screams "NO don't GO! Want POTTY!"  Poor Joel's about to lose his mind.   This is when I walk in and immediately pick up Tyler and try to feed him.  He's madder than a hornet and doesn't want to nurse.  Lily's running down the hall with her pants around her ankles.  Joel's trying to pull her pants up.  She pulls them back down.  Joel puts Lily in timeout.  She won't stay in time out.  She keeps saying she has to potty.  Then she stops crying for a second and says "I peed on myself" and then starts crying again.  If she did pee on herself, it must have been a really small amount because she didn't make a mess (her pants were still down around her ankles).

At this point, I can see Joel's head starting to spin around like the Exorcist. 

So I get up off the couch, Tyler hooked to the boob, and tell Lily I will take her to the potty.  So we go back to the backroom and the whole fight starts all over again.  Want to potty, no I don't, yes I do, no I don't.

So sit down on the bathroom floor (still nursing Tyler who is getting upset by all the screaming) and lock the bathroom door and tell Lily we aren't leaving until she goes potty and/or pulls her pants up.

She screamed and screamed and screamed.  I'm pretty sure we were in the bathroom for 20 minutes or more and 19 of those minutes she was screaming.

She does finally calm down (never went pee, by the way).  At this point it's getting pretty late, we haven't started dinner, haven't washed all the bottles and pump stuff, it's bath night, I have about 2 hours worth of work I still need to do and both Joel and I are EXHAUSTED.  I promptly put forth the motion to skip the bath (surely the kids aren't THAT dirty) and Joel quickly seconds it. 

What a day!

Also, sorry this is another post with no pictures.  I just looked through the camera.....we didn't take ANY PICTURES IN JANUARY except for some at Lily's birthday party.  CRAP.  We suck.  Next year's Snapfish calendar is going to be seriously lacking in January photos.

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