Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Joel's Near Meltdown...

Toward the end of the Christmas break, I thought Joel might have a meltdown.  A real, honest to goodness MELTdown over the crazy amount of toys, puzzles, books, stickers, Dora stuff, etc that was constantly strewn across the living room floor. 

It was a bit comical to watch Joel picking stuff up almost as fast as Lily was getting it out.  He kept taking things back to Lily's room....she'd follow him back there and just grab something else and bring it back to the living room.  He'd say, "Lily, you need to put the Dora house stuff away, if you want to play with the blocks."  I had to remind him a couple times that she's not even TWO!!  She's not wired to "clean up as she goes" (something, by the way, that I've been trying to train Joel to do in the kitchen when he cooks for a couple YEARS now and he still doesn't quite get it....haha!).  I suppose in the long run, it's a good thing because maybe our house won't always be a total disaster area all the time, but there were times I felt sorry for poor Lily!  : )  Just let the girl PLAY!!

Now I say that it's funny and a bit over the top, but Joel has trained Lily that every day when she comes home from daycare, she has to take her coat/hat off and shoes off and put them in their place.  And she does it.  And it's awesome.  She knows where those things go and she puts them away.  If she takes her socks off (more of a summer time issue), she knows she has to go put them in her laundry basket.  That's all Joel.  And I will freely admit that it's a very nice habit he's developed in her. 

Anyway back to the toys - I hope to have found a good compromise.  See, we had all Lily's toys piled up in a corner of the living room which was blocked partially by the couch and the fireplace accessories and a chair of hers and anyway, the point is that it was difficult for her to get to her stuff and it was all in one big container so she couldn't get to the toys on the bottom easily. If I were any good at this blogging thing, I'd have a "before" picture.

So my sister clued me in to a really nice organizer she purchased from Sam's Club for Jackson's toys and with the help of a friend with a Sam's Club card, we got the same organizer and put it together last night!  Love it!  This will make the toys more accessible and creates a specific place to put things.  So, like the coat and shoes, Lily can learn to put things away where they go yet it's in a convenient place to actually play with the stuff. 

This morning when Lily saw it, she said, "What's all these boxes Mommy?"  A full sentence.  She blows my mind with her talking sometimes.  Almost everything she says is in complete sentences these days.  When I told her it was for her toys, she wanted to get all the boxes out and play and had a total fit when I said we had to go to daycare.  "NO Miss Stina today Mama!!"

I love it when she calls me "Mama" instead of "Mommy" - she's about 50/50.  She called me "Mom" once and I told her that was not my name!  haha!  Over Christmas, Jackson called Josh "Dad" and I almost cried because Jackson, 3, shouldn't be old enough to use terms like "Mom" and "Dad!!"  Those should be reserved for at LEAST school aged kiddos to use!! 

Speaking of Jackson, he taught Lily something over Christmas - the "five more minutes" stall tactic.  It was hilarious when Jackson was doing it to my sister.  Now, with my own kid, not so hilarious. 

An update on the kids' health:  Lily's thrush seems to be about 90+% better.  The white patch is nearly gone and her funky breath is gone.  She's obsessed with taking the "mecidine" and doesn't seem to understand that she only needs it once per day.  Every time I ask to see her tongue, she wants medicine. 

Tyler's diarrhea is much improved but not totally better.  The daycare accepted him yesterday with some hesitation but I was grateful.  He didn't have a single BM at daycare yesterday, but went 3-4 times for me at home.  He was also up in the middle of the night with a dirty diaper which is very unusual for him.  This morning, Ms Nancy told me that Tyler refused one of his bottles yesterday which he's never done at daycare before.  He took the first one, refused the second one and then took the 3rd one.  Not sure what's up with that but hopefully was a one time thing. 

Speaking of poop, I've got a great story! Yesterday afternoon, I called Joel after work while on my way to Walmart and upon asking him if he had a good day, this is what he said:

"Well I've had better.  I'm in the bathroom, trying to go number two (yes, he said #2) and Lily came running in here screaming that she had to poopie, right NOW and she kept pulling on my hand and saying 'Get up Daddy!  Get!  UP! And then she pulled her pants down and squatted down and I was trying to hurry up and wipe but I wasn't done and I really thought one of us was going to sh*t on the floor!  I really did.  I didn't know which one of us but I was sure it was going to happen.  I had put Dora on the TV and I was just sitting there getting all relaxed and ready to go number two and I heard her feet running down the hallway and you're calling me and I can't have NUTHIN'!!!"

Now some of you are saying "T! M! I!" but I say, "HI-larious!"

Edited to add:  Just in case you were curious about the outcome, Lily did not poop on the bathroom floor (nor did Joel, thank goodness). She chose to hold her poop and after I came home from Walmart, in the hullabaloo of grocery unpacking where Joel and I were distracted, she squatted down in the living room and filled her Dora underwears with a special surprise!  I love potty training!! 

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