Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, December 28, 2012

Oh My Goodness!

We had a very nice Christmas this week.  We started out with a visit to Evansville last weekend and celebrated with my mom, brother, sisters, brothers-in-law and nephews!  As usual, Jason set the pace of the day because that boy can not stand to wait even ONE MORE SECOND to open presents.  : ) I have no idea what he got because, as is typical, he raced through opening his loot and then squirreled it all away to his room in approximately 97 seconds flat! 
The kiddos were fun to watch.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of all the babies together dressed up in their matching pjs.  I'll have to get that from one of my sisters.  But believe me when I say, they were SOO stinkin' CUTE!
Lily was helping to pass out presents before tearing in to her own. 
Tyler REALLY wanted to tear that present open!
We headed home on Christmas Eve night so that Lily would wake up to Santa's presents left under the tree.  Lily was a hoot to watch opening her presents.  Her favorite line was "oh my goodness!" which she said with almost each present she opened.  I think about 50% of what she got was Dora related!  And of course, all these toys and the thing she latched on to the most was a $4 set of Dora stickers.  That girl loves her some stickers!!  Instead of posting a bunch of the pictures, here's a video of her opening some of the gifts. 
(Sorry for the quality....the camera woman is not very good at this....)


After we opened gifts, Joel made us a big breakfast with bacon, eggs and biscuits.  YUM!  We just relaxed the rest of the day.

Then Christmas night "The Blizzard of 2012" rolled through.   I'm not sure the official tally of snow for Columbus but I'm guessing it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 inches.  Lily was scared of the snow at first.  I opened the back door and grabbed some snow to give to Lily to eat.  At first she wanted nothing to do with that but before all was said and done, she was sitting in the living eating a whole bowl full of the stuff!  Once the snow and wind died down, we took her outside to play in it and build her first snow man! 

Here you can see the snow is up to Lily's knees (she's standing...I'm kneeling)!

Lily got a little wore out of the snow though before it was all done so we didn't get a picture of her with the snowman right after it was done.

But we got one the next day (in spite of her protests)!

As if we didn't have enough excitement with all the snow, we ended up taking both of the kids to the doctor on Thursday.  On Wednesday night, I noticed this white spot on Lily's tongue.  It looked kind of like a callus and was about the size of a pea.  I'm not gonna lie, I freaked out.  I was thinking the worst and of course Joel and I both took to the Internet to try to diagnose it.  But, nothing we read looked anything like what was in her mouth.  She didn't seem bothered by it but was drooling like crazy and her breath was a little funky.  The doctor is treating her for thrush, but I have to say this doesn't look like any case of thrush I've ever seen.  This is now the second day of "mecidine" and it does look a little better but I won't rest easy until it's all the way gone.

Tyler, my one BM/day baby, has had diarrhea since Christmas day.  He's having a BM pretty much after every feeding and then some and it's completely watery.  He's a tad bit fussy and spitting up a little more than normal, but I wouldn't say he's vomitting.  He has no fever.  The doctor just said to keep an eye on him and if it's not better in a couple days, to bring him back in.   Well another 36 hours has gone by and it's still the same.  He's thankfully not dehydrated but I am constantly checking for signs of that.  So far, so good but I really think he's pooped more in the last four days than he normally does in a MONTH.  The diaper genie is crying UNCLE!  I guess if he's still doing this on Monday, I'll take him back to the doctor.  I won't be allowed to take him back to daycare until it's cleared up. 

Welp, that was another really long post.  I guess that's what happens when you don't post for over a week! 

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