Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Working Mother of Two.... hard.  It's so hard.  It's so unbelievably hard and I'm so p*ssed that none of my so called friends warned me about this!!!  Haha....sort of....

It's only my 5th day back to work and already I'm day dreaming of hitting the lottery, hiring a full time nanny, cook and housekeeper and spending my days going to Target and knitting. 

Ok so maybe I'm overreacting a little but my morning was a tough one.

Every night, I spend about an hour (sometimes more) preparing for the next day.  I have to put away the milk pumped from the day/prepare what I'm taking the following morning, wash all the pump bottles and accessories, wash the bottles Tyler drank from at daycare, remove all the peepee, poopie and spit up clothes that two children generate in a day from the diaper bag, replace those clothes with clean clothes to take back to the daycare the next day, and fetch other items such as diapers, wipes, etc that the kids ran out of at daycare.  On Sunday nights, I have to also remember to grab the kids' blankies which were sent home on Fridays to be washed, write out the check to pay the daycare and grab Lily's communication folder.  This is all in addition to cooking dinner, doing dishes, giving baths, etc.  To be fair, Joel helps with those things. 

Then in the mornings, it's another crazy scramble.  In addition to getting myself ready, breastfeeding, diapering and clothing Tyler and dressing and feeding Lily, I have to get all our crap ready to load in the car.  First I have to repack all my pump stuff which has been drying over night.  Then pack my lunch box (the lunch was prepared the night before). Then I pile up all the crap by the door.  The pump, lunchbox, diaper bag, milk cooler & bottles, purse, laptop (which I try to leave at work as much as possible to reduce the number of things I have to carry) plus diapers and wipes when necessary (like this morning).

So this morning, when I then took all that crap the car, disaster struck.  I carried all that stuff at one time to the driveway.  I set it all down on the driveway to open the car door and load everything in.  I get that done and I'm feeling pretty good - it's been a smooth morning so far (except for the part where I had gotten up at 3:30am to feed Tyler and wasn't able to go back to sleep).  Back off to the house to wake up the kids.  So I get them up, fed, dressed and we're ready to head back out to the car to head to daycare....At this point, I'm only running 30 minutes late. 

I back out of the driveway and look up and what do I see? 

The cooler bag of milk sitting in the driveway.


I pull back in the driveway and get out, the whole time praying that I didn't run over it.  I pick it milk leaking.  I open it up and pick up two of the four bottles inside....they are in tact.  We're good to go.  I'm feeling lucky and relieved.  Throw it in the backseat and off to daycare.

Get to daycare and start to unload my 47 bags of crap and find there is milk EVERYWHERE.  All over the back seat.  All over the diaper bag.  All over my lap top bag. 

One of the bottles was smashed to smithereens. 

I cried.  In the middle of the daycare parking lot.  With milk dripping all over the place.

So I pull it together, thankful that it was only one bottle that smashed and not four.  Could have been much worse. So I take the kids inside and tell the daycare that I will stop back by during my lunch and bring some pumped milk to make up for the missing bottle.

So I have to say the silver lining in this day is that instead of taking pumped milk, I just went in a nursed Tyler during my lunch.  So I got to see my baby in the middle of the day and that made me feel somewhat better about running over gold in my driveway this morning!

I love my kids (they are SOOO cute....see evidence below) but this is HARD WORK!!


On another note, I spent the day at work today filling in my performance self evaluation.  This is what I wanted to put:

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