Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Back to Work Blues

Today I went back to work and I survived!  Mostly in tact.  I only broke down once....every hour....just kidding.  Sort of.  :)

When I got in to work my computer password had expired so I couldn't log in and my voicemail was broken so the first thing I got to do was call the help desk!  Great fun.

Then off to Seymour to a meeting.  Got there, had to pump.  Then two hour meeting.  Then back to Columbus and had to pump.  Then lunch.  Then did a few emails.  Then pump.  Then another meeting and a few more emails.  Then pump.  Then it was the end of the day.

Every time I turned around it was time to pump!  There is no way I can keep up with that schedule.  Although I do have to say that each pumping session only took 15 minutes from the time I left my desk until the time I returned to my desk.  Last go round, each session would take 20-25 minutes from start to finish.  So weird how different the babies are....

Hopefully I can develop a better routine with Tyler's daycare so that I don't have to pump that 4th time.  Since I did that pumping at 4:15 and then left work shortly after.  If I can shift things around a little, I can try to work it out so that the fourth feeding of the day I can nurse him instead of pumping cause it's just silly to pump and then go pick up my kid.  Hopefully, we'll fall in to a good routine in the next week or two and in the mean time, I will pump like crazy just in case.

What little work I tried to do today was a bit of a failure.  My brain is still in hibernation.  I couldn't remember anything I was working on before I left much less the status of it or what the next steps should be.  So, when all else fails, schedule a meeting!  Or three or four.  Surely I'll figure out what I am supposed to be doing if I call a few meetings.  Right?

Also, I got TONS of compliments on my new hairdo!  Thanks Mom!  Nothing like a good hair day to make you feel better even if you are down otherwise. (If I didn't already scrub my face and have my hair in a ponytail, I'd take a picture!)

Sorry boring post, with no pictures.  I gotta get back into the habit of taking some shots of the kiddos every once in a while.

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