Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Playing Catching Up

It's been way too long since my last post! Whoopsie!

Family Photo from Thanksgiving on the Plateau:

Meme and Papaw with the babes:

Papaw had the hard job of holding Lily who was SICK and TIRED of taking pictures. Poor Papaw!
I got no pictures with my side of the family.  Crap!

What's been going on with Tyler?

Well he started sleeping much better a couple weeks ago. Starting on Saturday11/10 he had a 7+ hour stretch of sleep at night. Since then he's been doing pretty good at night with usually at least 6 hours in a row. I try to feed him around 9:30-10:00 and then go to bed. He's usually back up between 4 & 5 and then goes right back down.  (Except during our Thanksgiving travels, he got a little messed up and was getting up every 3.5 hours - hopefully that gets straightened back out!)

Also right around 2 months old his bowel movements got more regular (once a day) so he got much happier!  Yay!

During our Thanksgiving travels, I forgot to bring Tyler's bouncy seat and I thought we were in for a major problem.  But Tyler seems to like laying on the floor where he previously did not.  Now that we're back home he doesn't really like the bouncy seat at much and practically bucks himself out of it.

We did have a milestone this past Saturday.  Tyler ROLLER OVER!  Yes.  He rolled over at 11.5 weeks old.  Seriously?  Joel, Mom, Katie, Brandon and I were all in the room when he did it and not a one of us saw him do it.  Seriously?  I just looked down and he was on his belly when he had been on his back!  He hasn't done it again, but at daycare yesterday they said he was going halfway.

So that brings me to daycare.  Yesterday was his first day at Kidz First which also meant my first trial day of taking two kids to daycare while getting myself ready for "work."  I got up at 6 and did not drop the kids off until 8!!  Yikes.  Took me longer than I thought to get everthing ready.  Three people dressed, my hair/make-up done, Tyler breastfed, Lily breakfast, three trips to the car with all my junk, the kids' junk, and the kids.  I was tired before I even dropped them off!  Then I got there and was a bit disorganized with dropping two kids off.  Lily followed me around crying.  Today I did better.  I got up at 6 and dropped the kids off at 7:30 and managed no tears from Lily! A pretty big improvement for day 2.  We'll see how good I get at this! It's like a complicated puzzle or game to figure out the best, most efficient way!

Ms Nancy said Tyler did great!

However, I cried.  I can't believe he's already 12 weeks old.  I cried for lots of reasons.  1) He's growing so fast!!  2) I have to go back to work tomorrow and 3) I just hate hate hated how I was dropping him off to be 1 of 7 babies in the room.  There are 2 "teachers" in the room and they seem to be really great and love the kids but still almost a 4:1 ratio.  All I know is I can barely keep up with two and they are keeping up with SEVEN!  I texted Ana and told her I missed her.  She did so good with Lily when she was a little bitty baby and I really miss that super personal care she got.  They are doing a good job with Tyler but it's just not the same.....

Last night he was a little cranky but I think he was sleepy.  He took several 20 minute naps at the daycare but didn't really get any good stretches of sleep.  Today he did the same thing so we'll see how he is tonight.

Pumping went ok yesterday and today.  I have been really worried because I've been having trouble pumping.  My milk wouldn't let down very good when I pumped so I wasn't getting that much.  However, if I would pump one side at the same time that I nursed on the other, I would get plenty of milk - telling me that nothing is wrong with the pump.  Tyler's eating 4 ounces every 2.5 hours at daycare.  And they've told me that they've really had to stretch it to get to 2.5 hours - apparently he wants to eat every 2 hours!  At this rate, I'm going to have to pump FOUR times a day at work.  I don't know if I can keep up with that.  We'll have to see.  Frankly, I think that he's probably actually tired and needs to sleep when they think he's fussy and ready to eat. 

Lily has been doing great.  She's got a bit of a cold right now and is obsessed with getting "mecidine."  "Want mecidine Mommy!"

She's been singing a LOT.  She does this montage of a bunch of songs she's knows:

"GO tell it on the mountain.
Jesus Christ is born.
E - I - E - I - O.
Farmer had a dog and Bingo was his NAME-O!
ngo (the N G O is sang really fast)
Twinkle star itsy spider."

The other day she sang:  "Christmas morning had a dog and Bingo was his name-o!"  If she thinks she's getting a dog for Christmas, she can think again!!  Haha!

She loves to do "If you're happy and you know it."  She sings:  "Happy know it clap his hands!"  During the part where you sing "and you're face'll surely show it" she puts her fingers to her dimples and smiles really big.  It's so stinkin' cute!!

She's watching me type right now and she's keeps telling me:  "ABCs on it Mommy!  ABCs on it!"  And then she tells me she wants to "watcha Dora movie on there, Mommy?"

I'll try not to wait so long between posts!  I was making the most of the last few weeks of my maternity leave!  More on that later....

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