Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We had so much fun with Lily on Halloween this year!!  At daycare, they celebrated "Fall Harvest Day" and were supposed to wear their clothes inside out and have crazy hair.   I thought she looked just like a "Who" from Dr Seuss and when I dropped her off at daycare Ms Christina thought the same thing!

I was hoping all day long that she would be in a good mood when we picked her up from daycare so that things wouldn't be a battle for trick or treating.  She was a perfect angel!

We brought Lily home around 4:30 and started getting ready.  She had been given candy at daycare and was bound and determined to eat every single piece.  She was afraid we were going to eat it!  MINES CANDY!!

I was nervous that all that candy would make her crabby and she wouldn't want to put on the wig (a.k.a. Dora Hat) I made.  But as long as we let her hold all her candy and played Dora on TV, she was willing to do what we asked. : )

We bought the costume online and that consisted of the pants/shirt combo, backpack and shoe covers.  I made the wig (out of yarn and a pair of tights), the bracelet and the map.  A girl needs the right accessories!

Once we got her all dressed up, we subjected poor Tyler to his first Halloween costume.  Cause how can you have Dora and not have Boots?!  The costume was a bit ridiculous in it's sizing.  It was supposed to be for 0-6 months.  I put it on Tyler and it barely fits him from the neck to the crotch and then the legs went like 10 inches past his feet.  Whoever this costume was modeled after must have freakishly long legs!  But since Tyler can't walk yet, it didn't matter!  Haha!  The best part of Tyler's costume was that it was WARM so I didn't feel too bad about taking an 8 week old baby out in to the chilly air.  Between the "Boots head" hat and the full body fleece costume, he was nice and toasty.

Dora and Boots together at last!!

Boots was getting p*ssed off!

Then we take the kiddos outside and Lily has a minor meltdown because she wants to ride in the stroller.  "Lily stroller!  Not Tyler!"  So we had to carry her for the first little bit.

All while getting ready and walking to the first house with lights on, we kept encouraging Lily to say "Trick or Treat" and she would say it a bunch of times.  But when she actually got up to the houses, she always got cold feet and wouldn't say it.  After the first couple houses, she did at least get up the courage to say "Thank you" after she was given candy.  What a polite little girl we are raising!

I carried Lily up to the first house.  She wouldn't say a word.  Not trick or treat.  Not thank you.  Not nothin'!  They gave her two pieces of candy and she didn't want to put it in her bucket.  She wanted to "hold it!"

At the second house, Joel walked her up there and stood right next to her.

But then after the first two houses, Lily saw that if she walked up there, she was going to get candy and she got pretty brave to walk up to the houses on her own (Daddy and/or Mama were always right behind). 

At this point she started getting really good at saying thank you!!  I'm so proud of her!

Here's a few shots of walking to the houses.  By this time, her wig started getting a little cattywompus.  It was pretty windy so it was getting out of control.  One lady thought it was dreadlocks.  Her daughter promptly corrected and said, "Mom!  That's Dora!"

We were out for about an hour and poor Lily's hands were ice cold and her little nose was bright red.  Time to call it quits. 

We got home and Lily immediately started digging through her candy and checking out her loot!

Mama, open it?

I thought ahead a little and bought this little $1 Dora Halloween activity coloring book with stickers.  So I told Lily she was getting a present and gave that to her.  While she was distracted, I hid all the candy!  : )

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