Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Two Months Old!

Yesterday was Tyler's two month birthday!!

He's growing like a weed.  He had his 2 month check up today and here are his stats:

Height:  25 inches (93rd percentile)
Weight:  14.35 lbs (85th percentile)

So still a big baby!!  We've moved up to size 2 diapers already.  We only went through one box of size 1 (and we never had newborn except what the hospital supplied).  Take note that the shirt sleeves in the above picture are too short.  Likely the first of MANY MANY MANY times where his clothes will not fit right because he's too tall (just like his Daddy).

Eating habits:  8 times per day.  I introduced a bottle about a week ago because I had heard that putting Karo syrup in with his milk might help his move his bowels along a little better. The good news is that he took to the bottle with no problem.  The bad news is that the Karo syrup didn't really help (unless there's a 4 day delayed response time).  However, Tyler's on some kind of streak right now and has had a poopy diaper for 5 days in a row!!  Now, I mention this because the days that Tyler doesn't poop, he is crabby and fussy and no fun. But the past several days, he's been so much happier.  I haven't been giving him the Karo and I haven't changed my eating habits so who knows why he's doing better but I hope it keeps up.

Sleeping habits:  Oy.  This kid is all over the map.  Last night, he ate every 3 hours.  Boo.  But a couple nights ago, he went 6 hours between one set of feedings.  I never know at night how long he's going to go.  Lily slept through the night on her two month birthday.  Tyler - up every 3 hours.  It must be that trick where people say if they had their second kid first, there wouldn't have been a second kid!  But the good news is that at night, he's doing much, much better at going down on the first or second try at the ~9 or 10pm feeding.  As far as naps, he's still a light napper when we're at home.   But if I've taken him somewhere in the car seat, he'll sleep forever. 

Awake time:  as I mentioned, the last 5 days have been pretty good, even in the evenings, with his awake time because he hasn't been as fussy (but still somewhat fussy).  He's smiling and cooing and oohing and ahhing a lot more now.  The smiling will about melt your heart - he's so stinkin' precious!

Here's a side by side comparison of Lily and Tyler at 2 months.  I think you can tell they are siblings but they definitely have some distint differences.  I think Lily has more Basham/Freels in her face and Tyler has more Fonner.

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