Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The long arm of the law was in my HOUSE!

Today was not a good day in the life of Kelly Basham.  It started off badly with some work related baloney which I will not go in to but left me pretty upset none-the-less.  Then I went to lunch to escape the prison workplace for an hour and had a very nice lunch with my friend Stephani.

As I'm walking out the door of the restaurant, I pull my phone out of my coat pocket to check the time and get in the car and head back to work.  Upon getting back to work, I go to pull my phone out my pocket and it's not there.  I rummage my purse.  Nope, no phone.  I run back to the car tear it up looking.  No phone.  Go back in to work and call Johnny Carinos.  They check the parking lot and they don't have it.  I rummage my purse some more and check my coat pockets again and for some reason, it hasn't miraculously appeared (my boss asked me if I thought if I checked my coat one more time, it would show up....smartass!).  So then I decide to drive back to Johnny Carinos and check again for myself - you know, just in case the hostess was lazy or blind or something and didn't really look for my phone.  Nope, not there.  So then I drive over to Joel's work and make him come out and search the car in case I'm just overlooking it.  Nope.  Not.  There.

So I go back to work totally defeated because I'm sure that some a-hole has stolen my phone.  So I suspended the service on it so at least it couldn't be used.  Then I check my phone insurance to see if it covers lost/stolen phones (and it does, thank goodness) and try to figure out what I need to do to replace it.  Meanwhile, after Joel gets off work, HE goes to Johnny Carinos and looks for it too. 

So when I got home tonight, I tell Joel that I'm pretty convinced someone stole it so he gets the bright idea to check Craigslist. 


At 2:08pm today (less than 40 minutes after I last looked at it at the restaurant) my phone was on Craigslist.  Complete with the description of the damaged case.  My blood starts boiling. 

But Joel's blood boiled faster.  While I'm cooking dinner, trying to decide what my next move should be, Joel responds to the Craigslist posting and offers to buy it!

I freaked out.  I watch the news, you know, so I'm all "What do you think you're going to do?  Meet this guy and try to TAKE it from him?  I don't think that story has a happy ending!!  You could be murdered!  Over a cell phone!  Forget it!!" 

So I mull it over some more and decide that my phone is long gone.  I'm never getting it back.  This a-hole's out to make a quick buck and that's all there is to it. 

My only recourse now, I believe, is at least to try to make the guy feel like a real douche for stealing my phone.  So I emailed him (with a newly created email address) with a plea to return the phone to it's rightful owner.  I don't expect him to answer me (and as of now, he hasn't answered Joel either) but I feel a little better about at least reminding this guy that the phone belonged to a REAL PERSON and it's NOT NICE to steal people's things. 

Now that's a fun story, right?  Well there's more.

Joel's still super p*ssed, even after I say it's over and there's not much we can do.  He's all, "I think we should report it stolen.  You know, on those TV shows the cops always ask if the gun was reported stolen."

Hahahahahahahahaha!  Report a stolen cell phone!  That's just silly.  But, my husband, he's on a mission and I'm still so mad that someone wouldn't just turn over the phone to the people at Johnny Carinos so I don't stop him.  He calls the police department, just expecting to make a report and see if anything can be done.

They dispatched a POLICE MAN to our HOUSE!  Within 20 minutes, we had an officer at our house to take down my report of the stolen phone so it could be entered in their "database." You know, in case my stolen phone is somehow recovered - even in California - I can get it back.  The officer was talking to us like our CAR was stolen or something.  I swear, I must have apologized 47 times for him having to be at our house, making a report over a CELL PHONE, just in case all his serious talk was really him making fun of me for reporting a stolen cell phone in the first place.

But it gets even better.

The officer asks me if I have the box with the serial number.  So I dig up the box but there's like 3 different numbers on the box and it's not obvious which one is the serial number.  So the officer says:

"I've got a buddy who works for Verizon.  I'm going to go out to my car give him a call and see if he can tell me which number is right so I can get this report in the system right away since we have a lead on the suspect."

Then he walks out to his car.  I nearly lose it.  Did he really just say "a lead on the suspect"?????  Over a cell phone?!?!?!? 

I wish the police officer could answer the Craigslist ad and retrieve my phone. 

Anyway, the moral of this story:

1) What is wrong with me? Am I seriously so unlucky or careless or klutzy or something such that these things happen to me (remember the ran over milk bag from a few days ago??)?

2) People suck.  It's not nice to steal. 

3) I'm grateful that I live in a town small enough that the police will come to your house over things like this --> implying that the town is pretty safe and there aren't more pressing places for them to be

4) We watch WAY too many cop shows on TV!  Haha!

And finally,

5) My husband is my hero.  He did everything he could to help me.  God love him.

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