Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Grateful for Google+ and this Blog!

After getting through the fury of having my phone stolen and seeing it on Craigslist, I had a secondary meltdown over losing all the photos and videos I had on my phone.  I mean, I literally started wailing while standing at the sink washing Tyler's bottles!

But then last night, I had a revelation!  I had Google+ on my cell phone and any time I took a picture or a video, it would automatically "Instant Upload" to my Google+ online account.  I would never have bothered to set up that feature on my phone had it not been for this blog.  So, anyway, I started to get cautiously excited that I might still have a way to access all those precious moments.

So I logged in and tada!!  My videos and photos are there!  I'm so happy.  I found there's a way to download my stuff to my computer so I should be golden! 

So here's a video I took of Tyler earlier this week.  He was cooing and jabbering like crazy so I busted out my phone to try to capture it.  Of course when I got my phone out, he got camera shy and quit talking.  But he's still pretty cute. 

Thank you Google!  Enjoy!

And to the creepy jerk-face thief who stole my phone, in the words of My Two Broke Girls, you can SUCK IT!

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