Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, January 31, 2014

Waffle Party Recap.

A couple months before Lily's birthday, I asked her what kind of party she wanted.  Dora, Doc McStuffins, Princess, etc.  She picked Doc McStuffins (shocker!).

Other than the invitations, cake and a few things like plates and napkins, I didn't do much by way of an actual "Doc McStuffins" party.  Joel did pick up this balloon for Lily.  Which she loved!

I thought about all these related games we could do but as I was thinking about the food choice (see below) I was getting overwhelmed with trying to do too much and quickly decided that the kiddos can just play with one another and enjoy each other's company and that was enough this time around.

When planning the party, I was racking my brain for what food to serve.  It's Lily's birthday, after all, so it should be something she likes.  Problem is, she doesn't like much!  PB&J and "print-zels," anyone?  Anyone?  No?

I thought, what about waffles?!  The kids always eat supper when I fix waffles!  Then I thought, can I pull this off?  Waffles for 25 people?  I don't want to serve everyone a bunch of soggy waffles.  Yuck.  After conferring with my husband, party planner extraordinaire (ha!), he convinced me it could be done.  So I got pretty excited about it.

We served all the fixins appropriate for some pretty nice waffles, if I do say so myself.  Blueberries, raspberries, pecans, chocolate chips, strawberries, maple syrup, whipped cream, peanut butter.  To drink we had juice boxes, chocolate milk, skim milk, soy milk, orange juice, mimosas and coffee!  Whew.

I collected up a bunch of waffle irons so I could have several going at once.  I found out that 3 waffle irons was definitely my limit.  And probably more like 2 waffle irons was the limit on the circuitry in our house since we blew a fuse halfway through the waffle making.

The night before the party, I oven fried 6 pounds of bacon.  SIX POUNDS.  That is a lot of bacon.  I wish I would have taken a picture of that.  Just so I could drool later.

After all that, Lily sits down to eat and DOESN'T EAT ANY WAFFLES!!!  Are you kidding me??  I think she takes about 2 bites of fruit and then abandon's eating all together.  If I weren't so caught up in cooking waffles for the rest of the 20 guests, I think I might have cried!

However, all is not lost, about 30 minutes later, once everyone else is pretty much done eating and it's nearly time to open presents, Lily decides that she's ready to eat some waffles.  And did she ever!

After that we opened presents.  Lily got lots and lots of goodies.

And just a few pics of Tyler-man, who was trying to get in on the present opening action.

And finally, we finished up the day with cake and ice cream.  Again Lily wouldn't blow out the candles.  In fact, she told me not to put them on her cake at all!  But I just couldn't get past singing happy birthday with no candles, so I put them on anyway.  Then I waited and waited for her to blow them out.  I tried to enlist one of her cousins to help.  No one was interested.  I finally blew them out.  I wonder if that means I'm due for some extra birthday wishes this year?

Happy 3rd Birthday, my baby girl!!!

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