Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Over the years, I've come to appreciate my relationships with my sisters more and more.

We've been through things together that would have been completely unbearable alone. Things that no one else in the world would understand in that moment, but we had each other. 

We've laughed. We've cried. We've administered black eyes. We've created potions, ATMs, fashion shows and forts using our imaginations and creativity - feeding off of each other. 

We're so alike and so different all in the same breath. We're competitive. With each other and the world.  We've won championships and had seasons with no wins what-so-ever. 

We teach each other things.  All the time.  For a long time, growing up, I felt like I was always the one paving the way.  Teaching them.  Looking back, that wasn't true at all.  We've all been learning from each other since forever. 
Sometimes, I sit have a good cry because I can't just pop over to my sister's house for a coffee (wait, neither of them drink how about a Polar Pop or an Oreo Blizzard?). Or that we can't each dump our kids on our husbands and have a girls night. Or that I can't dump MY kids on THEM and have a date night with my husband. 


Then, after I cry about that, I have a cry because I don't think I do a good enough job of keeping up with them. Life gets so damn busy and there's never enough time. But if I get started on time, this post will quickly move away from the subject of sisters and in to a rant about that. 
We're jealous and joyful over what each of us has accomplished. I say "we're" jealous but maybe they aren't and that's just me. 
They look at me like I'm a nut job when I talk about wanting another baby. And I look at them and I know EXACTLY why I want to have another baby.

We are lucky. So, so, so lucky to have each other.

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