Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Three hands.

I've been knitting some new mittens for myself.  They are convertible mittens - so they are open at the fingers and then they have a flap that flips open and closed.  The idea is, I don't have to take my gloves off to buckle the kids in their car seats or to make a phone call or whatever.  I just flip the flap.

I got the mittens done, except for the flap part, so I went ahead and wore them one day.  Lily noticed my new gloves and commented that she liked them.

Then, one evening when I started knitting the flap part, Lily came over to me:

LILY:   Mommy, you don't have three hands!

ME:  Huh?  No, I don't have three hands.

LILY:  Then why are you making another glove?

I was completely blown away by this little conversation!  I wish I were actually good at this whole blogging/writing thing so that I could eloquently or cleverly explain why I was so blown away.  But the bottom line is that, this was one of those parenting moments where I'm like:

Holy shit!  Would you look at this little genius we're raising?! 
She sees something she doesn't quite reconcile.  
She makes an assumption.  She tests her assumption.  
She's learning how to reason and think things through beyond just step 1.
My heart is going to explode with pride!
My cheeks are cramping from smiling so hard!
I'm such a dork!!

And, by the way, I sure do wish I had three hands some times.

(photo cred to Jennifer Elsass)

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