Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Losing Jackson....

.....holding 8 lbs of weights.

That's how much weight I've lost!
That's 52.4 pounds!!  Fifty!  Two!  (point four!) Pounds!
Ok enough with the exclamation points.  But I am very excited. 

BMI reduced by 9.3 points
Body fat reduced by 8.2%

Thighs:  -4.5 inches
Arms:  -1.5 inches
Boobs:  -5.75 inches
Waist:  -8 inches
Hips:  -6.5 inches
Throughout this diet, I've had a lot of little goals along the way:
** fitting in to specific clothes I love **
** weighing less than my 6'5" husband (uh yeah, I'm 5'4"....pretty bad that was even a goal, huh?) **
** losing my Tyler baby weight **
** getting my wedding band on **
** getting my wedding band and engagement ring on at the same time **
 When I started Weight Watchers back in late June I didn't really have an end game in mind.  It was more about these little goals.  After the first three months, when I had made some pretty significant progress, I decided my next major goal would be to lose all the weight I had gained from eating my way through two pregnancies.  And I wanted to do it by Lily's 3rd birthday.
That roughly amounted to about 1 lb per week on average which was a very realistic goal.  Especially considering that Fall Festival, Vacation, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all fell in that time frame.  It was inevitable that there would be gain weeks. 
But each time, I just hit the mental reset button, kept on going and chipping away at my goal.  And now I've made it! 

That sounds kind of final.  Well, let me be clear.  I'm not done.  I have several more goals ahead of me - so here's to some major progress and the mental stamina to keep working toward my next goal!

  And now, for some bragging on my 3 year old.  She took all of the following pictures.  By herself.  Using our big ol' camera (this was before she got her new camera).  She was giving me directions on the pose she was after.  Can you believe it?


  1. Congrats Kelly!! You look amazing.

  2. That's awesome! (And congrats on the little photographer! Nice! )
