Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, January 24, 2014

Thoughtful Husband. Uncooperative Wife.

Yesterday morning, these flowers were on my desk along with a really nice card and a gift certificate for a massage from my wonderful husband!
It was a "Congratulations for meeting your big weight loss goal / I know you've been really stressed out lately from work and party planning and oh yeah, life" gift.  Isn't he wonderful?  Sigh...
But I inadvertently messed up his plans to surprise me.
The night before the drop off, in the midst of cooking dinner and Lily whining and Tyler crying, Joel asked me if I had to go to Seymour the next day.  Which is totally unusual for him to ask me this or care.  I said no, I'll be a Plant 1 in the morning and COB in the afternoon.  Plant 1 is where my desk is.  But it's a HUGE building and I had meetings the whole morning so I never went to my desk.
So a few hours in to the morning Joel's texting me - presumably because I haven't yet called to thank him for the flowers I didn't know I got.  He's asking me what I'm up to.  And have I gone to the COB yet.  And then he calls me but I can't answer cause I'm in this meeting.  So he wants another hour and calls me again but I'm still in the meeting.
Now I'm getting annoyed because I don't know he keeps calling me and I'm stressed out cause the meeting I'm in isn't going well and blah blah.  The meeting ends and I run to my car to head to the next thing and I call Joel back.
He asks me if I'm headed to my desk and I'm like, "NO!  NO!  NO!  I'm not headed to my desk!  I DON'T have TIME!  I'm so late for my next thing!  And I have to eat lunch!  And I'm so stressed out!!  And why are you bugging me about my desk?!!?" 
He's like, "Well, I was kinda hoping you would be going to your desk today.  Cause I kinda left something there for you.  So you need to stop by there before you come home tonight."
Whoopsie!  Well if that isn't enough to bring me down off of my stress-induced rant, I don't know what is!!
That afternoon, while I was in meetings in another building, 3 separate coworkers checked in with me to see if I going to be at my desk at all that day.  My coworkers had Joel's back! 
In my defense, the last time Joel left something on my desk was BEFORE we were actually dating.  And, this is the first time he's ever gotten me flowers.  So my dense moments of not realizing I needed to go my desk from his "subtle hints" weren't entirely unwarranted. 
He's an awfully sweet guy.  He loves me.  He takes care of me when I'm having a rough time and celebrates me when I've had a success.  He's a good one.  I think I'll keep him. 

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