Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What our three year old is up to.

Lily had her 3 year check up today.
Her stats
Height: 3'4" (96% percentile)
Weight: 36.8 pounds (93%)
Clothes:  She's busting out of a 4T in most brand of clothes
Shoes:  Size 8 (in wide width if you can find it)
A few fun things about our 3 year old:
She's addicted to TV. She watches 1 show in the mornings (or part of one) while I fix her hair and while I get Tyler ready. Then after school, we allow her to watch 1 show which is about 20-25 minutes of TV and then we turn it off. At least, that's what we TRY to do. Sometimes, when Joel and/or I have are having a bad day or a particularly low patience day, she might get lucky enough to watch 2 shows. When I pick her up from daycare, they have "stations" set up in the gym and the kids can pick which thing they want to play with. Lily is ALWAYS at the TV station. Half the time, she's the only one sitting there. All those toys and friends and running around and she picks the TV.

She's a full head taller than everyone in her class except 1 boy. He might have a half inch on her.

She knows all the main colors and shapes. She can recognize all letters of the alphabet and even makes some of the letters using blocks (the easy ones like L, T and I). Counting is still her weakest point. She can count to 12 reliably but after that it's a crapshoot. She's also not very strong in actually counting objects. It's not because she can't, she's just kind of impatient (I know!  My daughter, impatient!  Unbelievable!) when it comes to pointing to each thing one at a time and counting.

She's totally capable of dressing herself but won't do it most of the time.

She likes to know what day of the week it is and what month it is.  She knows I play volleyball on Mondays and she knows she doesn't have school on Saturdays and Sundays.

She loves to go shopping. Even Walmart.
She asks me regularly if we can go to Walmart when I pick them up from daycare.
(anybody else freaked out by this photo???)
She's very in to "much." 
"I want much." 
"No, I said MUCH much." 
"I gave a bite to Tyler and now I don't have much!"

She's pretty much in charge of the radio in the car.
"I don't like that song Mommy. Change it to a new song."
"I like this song Mommy."
"Mommy, play that Friday night song." (Eric Paslay, Friday Nights)
"It's too loud."
"It's not very loud."
Or her favorite game "Name That Tune:"
Lily: "What's this song?"
Me: "I don't know."
Lily: "But what's it called, Mommy?"
Me: "I don't know, Lily, just listen."
Lily: "I am listening! ....... But what's it called?!"

The pictures from this post are from Lily's new camera.  The quality is HORRID.  I guess that's what you get for $35.  If she keeps it up with the picture taking and manages not to break her camera within a week, maybe we'll upgrade to a $100 camera next time around. 

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