Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, January 20, 2014

Lily's 3rd Birthday.

Happy, happy birthday!  Feliz Cumpleanos! 

That's what I sang when I got Lily up this morning.  She was not in to it and was a bit crabby in spite of it being her birthday.

 We baked cupcakes yesterday and Lily and helped decorate them.  We made them to take to her daycare class and Joel already had them loaded in the car before the kids got up.  When Lily came out to the kitchen, she panicked a little.  "Where's my CAKE?!?"  I reminded her that we were going to have the cupcakes at school.

Joel and I met up at the school for her little party.


Lily was acting SUPER shy.  I mean ridiculous shy.  She wouldn't talk.
She wouldn't blow out her candles.  They were even pink candles with pink flames. 
I guess If I had found purple candles with purple flames, maybe she would have blown them out.  She finally told me to do it. 
 I held out for a long time, thinking she would come around, but the wax was dripping on her cupcake and the other poor kiddos were completely salivating over their cupcakes.  So I blew them out.

Even then, Lily hesitated for a while before she finally dug in to her cupcake.
 Some of her other friends had NO trouble getting started.
Then Lily passed out the Doc McStuffins themed treat bags.  I think the kiddos were pumped.  There were cookies and such in the bags and the kids were trying to devour those in addition to the cupcakes they'd already had.

After that, we headed home to open presents!
Lily was patiently waiting in her "birthday chair" while I got her presents from the secret hiding spot.

Which was just my office but I had kept the kids out of there since I wrapped Lily's presents.
And then her patience was running out.  Way out.  Who could blame her?
Ok, one more picture with your presents.
Can't go with out the bear grin shot.
"Mommy, now can I open them?"
"Go for it, honey!"
"I got new boots!"
"What's in this bag?" 
"A Doc McStuffins cup!"

"A Doc McStuffins shirt!!"
"What's in this one?  Let me shake it."
"What is it Mommy?"  "I don't know, open up the zipper."
"A camera!!"
"It's a camera mommy!!  Who got me that?!"
"There's still one more present!"

 And then it was back to the camera.

"Say cheese Mommy!  Say Cheese Daddy!"  "Tyler, come here.  Say cheese!"
 I wish I would have gotten her camera from her before she took it to bed with her so I could have taken some of the pictures off of it.  She took a blue million of them.  I suspect that the quality is really terrible.  It was a super cheap camera.  But I don't think she cares. 

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