Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pacis, Blankies, Vocabulary, Oh My!

The kids are sick.  Again.  Hand Foot and Mouth disease this time.  So I can't take them to daycare.  Again.  We are having a rough few weeks here between sickness and weather preventing us from taking the kids to daycare.  So tomorrow I'm burning a half a vacation day because last time I tried to work from home, with both kids here, I was so stressed out and it's not worth it.  Joel will relieve me in the afternoon so I can go in to work for a bit.
Here's a little bit of a status report on Tyler....
He's picking up some additional vocabulary these days.  At sixteen months, this is what he can say:
Ball (baw)
Bye-bye (bah-bah)
Car (caaaahhh)
Night-night (nye-nye)
Baby (bayyy-be)
He also communicates pretty well by pointing at things.  On his body, he knows belly, nose, eyes and ears.  He's gone to the fridge and pointed to it if he wants his milk.  If we ask him "Where's Lily?" he finds her and points to her.  Same with "Where's Mama?" and "Where's Dada?"
He's walking pretty much exclusively now.  Finally! 
We're trying to break him of the pacifier.  About a month ago, we poked a bunch of holes in his paci, hoping that would make it less appealing since he wouldn't get a good suck from it.  He's been unphased by that.  He still wants the dang thing.  We've read on the internet about cutting the end off of the paci....that may have to be our next step.  Or I may have to take a more direct approach - like permanently lose the thing. 
He still really, really loves his blankies.  He will go to his room and pull it out of his crib.  If we're doing laundry and it's in the dirty clothes pile waiting to be washed, he'll drag it out.  He gets very upset if you take it away from him.  I regularly call him Linus. 
He and his sister sort of play well together.  When they aren't fighting over the same toy, that is.  It's pretty funny to watch them wrestle.  Or rather, to watch Tyler attack his sister.  Lily thinks is funny for a few minutes and then she's pretty well over it.

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