Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, January 6, 2014

There's too many houses in this house.

Weekend before last, Joel went to the Colts game with his brother and parents. 
 I had the kiddos.  Tyler wasn't feeling so good.  Poor fella had been sick since the day before Christmas Eve. 
But later that day, he was feeling better.... better enough to climb up on the kitchen table - one of his favorite activities.

By Monday morning he was looking good!  Finally healthy after 8 days of sickness.
The rest of our week off was nice.  Joel and I rang in the new year with a Breaking Bad marathon.  Our latest TV show addiction.  Big excitement.  We were pretty pleased we even managed to stay awake until midnight. 
Back to work on Thursday and Friday, but a few hours in to Friday, I got a call from the daycare to come pick up Tyler because his eye was watering excessively.  I about lost it.  They were concerned that Tyler was sick again and had pink eye and they wouldn't let me keep him at daycare until I had a doctor's note saying he was not contagious.
So I luckily got an appointment for later that day with the doctor and I took Tyler home.  His eye never watered a drop all afternoon.  I took him for the appointment and of course, he did not have pink eye.  That'll be $57 please and thank you. 
I like the daycare that the kids go to.  And I understand that they try to be extra careful about possible contagious sicknesses.  But I was really, really frustrated that Tyler was sent home over a watery eye.  Not just sent home, but that I had to take him to the doctor, spend an hour and $57 dollars for a piece of paper that said he was fine - when I already knew he was fine.  Uhhgg. 
On Saturday, Joel wanted to take the kiddos to the Commons to play.  They love that place.

Then we hit up Walmart with the rest of the crazies who were preparing for the 6-10" of snow and ridiculous frigid temperatures we were supposed to get on Sunday. 
I don't know where I was when this was happening on Sunday afternoon.  Lily said she was making Daddy pretty like a princess.
The kiddos are in to building forts... well "houses" - that's what Lily calls them.  Joel built one on the couch the other day.
Sunday evening, we got a phone call saying that daycare was going to be closed on Monday due to the ridiculous cold temperatures.  And it was cold.  Negative 14 degrees with windchill something like negative 35.  Crazy.  So I stayed home with the kids and did my best to try to work.  Ever "worked" with a 16 month old sitting on your lap?
I got the kiddos on to coloring.  Lily asked me where her crayons were.  I told her in her house.  She went to the fort and looked and said they weren't there.  I told her, no the house in your room.  She went to her room and brought out a "house" we had made of Legos.  She said they aren't in there.  I said, no, the doll house that's in your closet that has books in it.  She said, "There's too many houses in this house!"
I laughed so hard I cried.

That lasted about 15 minutes before they were over that and ready for something else.  They were bickering all morning and driving me bonkers.  I think I told Tyler "no" at least 47 times.  On top of that that, he was fussing and whining and generally not acting right.  I'm worried he's getting sick again. 
I was willing lunch time to get here cause nap happens soon after that! 
I put Tyler down for nap immediately after lunch and waited a bit for Lily.  She didn't fight me at all to take a nap, but once she got back to her room she just sang at the top of lungs for an hour.  At one point, she woke up her brother so I told her to her hush and that was the end of her nap.  She got up and joined me on the couch.

She "helped" me work by asking me while I was on the phone "Who are you talking to Mommy?  MOMMY!  Who's that on the phone?  Mommy, I want to call somebody.  Mommy, who's talking to you?  Mommy, can I have your phone?"
I love her.

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