Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tyler-man @ 17 months.

Tyler's vocabulary is starting to take off and it's so stinkin' cute!  I'm really trying to cherish these moments where he's just learning to talk and you can't understand half of what he's saying but he's trying hard to communicate.  Because I know it won't be long and he'll be saying anything and everything and driving me crazy!

He can say all of these new words now (though most of them are hard to pick out unless you have the right context, but he's definitely saying them):

pig (and he "snorts" like one)
There's probably a dozen more but I'm drawing a blank.  He often tries to repeat what we say to him and he does it with this half smile on this face and his eyebrows all raised up.  It's so, so cute.  I can hardly stand it. 
Watching your little baby become a little person is so amazing.  He understands instructions now and will follow them - as long as it's something he wants to do - otherwise I'm sure he thinks his name is actually "Tyler-NO!"  If I tell him it's time for a bath, he tears off down the hallway to the bathroom.  He will throw things away in the trash, both if you ask him to and if he finds something that he perceives to be trash (sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.... we've looked for the TV remote in the trash can more than once when we couldn't find it...).  If you ask him to give something to his sister, he will.  He cleans up his toys when you ask him to.  He actually loves to pick stuff up (just like his Daddy!).  He knows where things go and puts them away.
He's definitely a little Daddy's boy.  If Joel's not here, he wanders from room to room saying "Da-da?  Da-da?"
He wants whatever Lily has (and vice versa).  It's enough to drive anyone mad.  It doesn't matter what it is.  They fight, fight, fight.  Lily likes to line up cards or princess dominoes or whatever on the floor and Tyler likes to do a drive by and mess it all up or take one of her cards.  She'll have a meltdown and cry.  Tyler will laugh.  Lily will try to take back her stuff.  Tyler will yell at her.  It's funny for the first 30 seconds and then I'm ready to bring in a referee! 
He's way more independent than Lily was at this age as far as playing by himself.  All the time, I'm like, "where's Tyler?" and he's taken off for his room or Lily's room and he's playing away in there all by himself.  Come to think of it, it's mostly Lily's room and it's mostly climbing on her table and chairs or looking for her crayons and markers and doing various other things we don't want him to do and certainly don't want him to do without adult supervision.  I drag him back to the living room and 5-10 minutes later, he's MIA again.  Stubborn little feller. 
(Photo Cred to Lily)

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