Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, February 24, 2014

Party Like It's 1999.

Oh yes.  That is what we were going to do with our free night on Saturday.  Big plans.  BIG.  

First, out to eat up in Greenwood - cause we had a gift card.  Which is not quite as "old-farty" as saying, "cause we had a coupon" - but pretty close.

Then, we were going to go dancing at the country bar.  Mostly because we were already 3/4 of the way there and I kept saying, we HAVE to do SOMETHING besides go home, sit on the couch and watch Breaking Bad.  Plus I haven't been in, oh 5 years, and I really wanted to go.

Then, we were going to stop for dessert at the Cheesecake Factory on the way home.  Cause, you know, we danced our butts off and earned some delicious cheesecake.  

Sounds pretty fun, right?  I mean, don't YOU want to party with us?  

Here's how it actually went:
  • Called ahead to Carrabba's on the way to Greenwood so we could get a table at or before 6:15 (at least it wasn't 4:30.....)
  • Got to Carrabba's at 6:00 and was annoyed that it was going to be a 25-35 minute wait
  • Decided to counteract my lack of patience by going to the bar and ordering a bottle of wine (we have NEVER done this - EVER)
  • At 6:15 (!) we were seated - I'd nearly finished my whole first glass of wine and was very much in that place where I'm pretty tipsy, but I like to pretend that no one else can tell, but even total strangers can TOTALLY tell  
  • Ordered food that is so far off my Weight Watchers plan it's not even funny.  I'm sure I consumed a week's worth of points in one sitting
  • FRIED CHEESE - yes, people, fried cheese.  And it was everything I thought it could be.
  • Poured myself glass #2 of wine and contemplated whether I should just stop while I was ahead and order a diet coke.  I did not.
  • Somewhere between glass #2 and glass #3, the conversation got deep and the waterworks came on - it was shaping up to be a "Depressed-Drunk Fonner" night and not a "Rowdy-Drunk Fonner" night.  Good thing Joel was also somewhere between glasses #2 and #3 and he was probably partially numb to my blubbering
  • My entree sucked (Lobster Mac and Cheese)
  • Joel's entree was awesome (Mahi Wolfe) - I got one bite
  • Dinner is coming to a close and I can barely see straight after finishing glass #3 - plus my make-up is a wreck and my eyes are blood shot and Joel's like "Do you still want to go dancing?"  and his face is saying "Please say no.  Please say no.  Please say no."  But his mouth is saying "I'll totally go if you want to."  What a good guy I have!
  • After approximately 15 seconds of internal debate, I realize I am in NO SHAPE for any kind of coordinated dancing and decide we should go home
  • It's 8:00
  • We decide we still need cheesecake even though we have not at all earned it 
  • Get home at 9:00, eat cheesecake, put Hoarders on TV and fall asleep by 9:30
  • Wake up at 11:00 (pm) hung over and spend the rest of the night trying desperately to sleep off said hangover
And, THAT, my friends, is how it's done.  Who's jealous?

P.S. I gained 3 pounds in 24 hours.  I don't know whether I am proud or ashamed!  Let's go with proud cause that hurts less.  
P.P.S.  Big shout out to Josh and Marie for keeping the kiddos overnight for us!  More to come on that.

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