Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, February 28, 2014

What else besides sleepovers and cheesecake?

I want to apologize to all my loyal fans and followers for my wickedly inconsistent blogging.  All two of you.  Ha!  I think I sometimes have writers block and lose the desire to tell stories - but then a funny thing will happen and I get jump started again.  Anywho....

What have we been up to lately besides sleepovers and such?  Well, there's Target.  Aren't these the cutest Leprechauns ever?  I did not purchase this hat, but I'm reconsidering.....I mean, look at them!

There's the Commons playground.  This place is great, but I am so very ready for warmer weather and taking the kids to play outside.

There's Pizza King Strombolis in Columbus!  This is big news, people, but there's a couple downsides:  1)  unlike in Evansville, the stroms come with generic Walmart potato chips instead of Grippos and 2) this is so not Weight Watchers friendly....but delish!

There's these two cuties sitting next to each other on the couch, eating their snacks, drinking their milk and watching "Dooh-rah!" (Dora) together.  This moment barely lasts long enough for me to get the camera out and snap a quick photo.  But no one has to know that...just the two of you reading this blog....shhh......

There's this little guy talking up a storm.  He says lots and lots of words now.  Many are still hard to make out unless you have the right context but he's getting there.  He's starting to get good at the letter "L."  It's super cute to hear him say "lellow" (yellow) and he's getting pretty close to getting "Lily" out.  He received his first at-home haircut a week or so ago.  I can't say it was a total success, but it wasn't a total disaster either.  He didn't hold still for more than 2 consecutive seconds the whole time, so I'm basically just happy that there aren't giant chunks missing. Tyler's obsessions right now are his books, his bear and his dog.  He's all the time wanting his books.  He wants to read them.  He wants you to read them.  He wants to hold them and carry them around with him everywhere.  He wants them in his bed.  They are his most prized possessions.

There's this beauty.  We were on a roll there for a bit where her tantrums weren't so bad - and by on a roll, I mean like 3 days.  But recently she seems to have given up her nap at school on most days, which means that by 5:00 she's EXHAUSTED and CRABBY and SENSITIVE about EVERYTHING.  I talked to the director at the daycare and she said that Lily just doesn't want to sleep.  She says that Lily lays quietly and doesn't disturb anybody but she just won't sleep.  She flops around and intentionally keeps herself awake (STUBBORN).  This happens to us occasionally on the weekends too.  This child needs her nap.  Hopefully when the weather warms up and the kids get more outside time, this situation will correct itself.  When she's not being stubborn and sassy, she's unbelievably sweet.  She can melt you to puddle in mere seconds.

Lily's still in to the camera thing.  But not her little camera....our big one.

And finally, here's my whole world in a picture (or two).  Don't know what I would do without them.  

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