Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

18 Months.

Tyler turned 18 months last week.  Where does the time go?  Here's a picture of him with powdered sugar donut all over his face.  Isn't he super cute?

Height:  33" (75th percentile)
Weight:  24.5 lbs (50th percentile)
In the last couple weeks I was noticing how Tyler is now visibly taller than the other kids in his class and I've been suspecting that he's had a growth spurt.  The doctor's visit this week confirmed it.  He's been tracking at 50th percentile since forever and now he's up to 75th.  I'm not gonna lie - this makes me pretty ecstatic.  I have this fear that his sister is going to tower over him into adulthood.  That she got her Daddy's height and he got mine.  But maybe there's still hope left. 
His new favorite words:
outside, house, French fries (freh fry), more, please (peas), thank you (th you), see ya
He probably knows at least 30-40 words - maybe more, I can't keep track.  He also signs more, please, thank you and all done very regularly. 

What's he up to:
He is really, really, really in to his Daddy.  Like really, really.  He's driving Joel (well, all of us actually) a little bit crazy.  He follows Joel everywhere and is constantly seeking his attention.  He cries and chases after Joel if he leaves the room.  Da-da is the first thing Tyler asks for most mornings.  He comes out of his room looking for Joel.  If I pick the kids up, Tyler asks for his Da-da.  We pull in to the driveway and Tyler starts hollering "Da-da!  Da-da!" and doesn't stop until he finds his Da-da. 
He gives fist bumps.  Joel taught him this and says "Boom!" whenever he gives Tyler a fist bump.  And now, if Tyler hears someone say "Boom!" he goes in for the fist bump.  It's ridiculous cute. 
He still takes a paci to sleep.  The doc wasn't too pleased about this.  She said it must be gone before he's 2.  Which, don't get my wrong, I totally agree.  But it's much easier said than done.  It's been a while since we tried taking it away and we should try again.  I definitely want it gone before we introduce a big boy bed so that we don't have too many changes on top of each other.  That said, I have no intention of taking him out of the crib any time soon, soooo......yeah.
Tyler loves to be outside.  If someone mentions the word "outside" he goes off in search of his shoes and jacket.  When it's time to come in from outside, he has an all out tantrum.  I'm talking kicking and screaming and the whole nine yards.
Lily and Tyler fight like crazy.  Most recently their fights are about capturing the attention of a parent.  If one of them is on my lap, the other wants on my lap and will go to great lengths to worm his or her way in.  If one kid is wrestling with Daddy on the floor, the other one has to get in on it.  Major jealousy issues.
Tyler is absolutely obsessed with his bears and dog.  He goes off in search of them and will find 2 or 3 and drag them around with him for a day.  He recently found this bear my Grandma Fonner made for me a blue million years ago and was giving it some lovin today. 
Tyler's eating habits are pretty good.  Far better than his sister, at least.  He's at least willing to try most things we put on this plate.  He does like chicken quite a bit.  I think what he likes the most though is variety.  He likes his menu changed up quite a bit. 
His sleeping habits are good too.  With the exception of the paci.  He goes to bed at night and naps with very little fuss.  He might cry for about 15 seconds after we lay him down but usually he gets over it before we even make it back to the living room.  It will be interesting when we change up his bed cause right now he's all over the crib.  He sleeps every which direction. 

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