Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lily Goes on Spring Break.

A couple weeks ago, in the throws of a particularly wicked Lily tantrum, I devised a plan to send her on Spring Break.  A part of this plan was in finding a time where all the stars could align - to minimize driving back and forth extra times AND to try to finagle in a date night.

With Ayden's birthday party coming up, I knew we'd be in Santa Claus for that so I checked to see if Mom would be willing to drive up to Columbus the week before since it was Joel and I's anniversary.  That way, she'd be able to watch the kids so we could go on a date and she could take Lily back home with her for the week.  Then we'll meet up at Kate's the next weekend.

A plan is born!

We prepared Lily that Grams was coming for a visit.  I also mentioned to Lily about going to Grams' house in a very vague way.  I did not, however, mention to Lily that she was going to Grams' house by herself for a week until about 3 hours before it was time for her to leave.  

At first, she was really excited and started packing her toys.  "Tyler's not going.  You're not going.  Just me."  And then, after about 15 minutes, I think it slowly started to sink in and she changed her mind.  "I just wanna stay here."  I didn't push it and just said, "Ok Lily" but I kept on packing her clothes.  She said, "Why are you putting all my clothes in there?  I just wanna stay here.  You don't need to put my clothes in there."  So I told her, "I'm going to go ahead and pack your clothes in case you change your mind."

Shortly after that, she and I made our weekend trip to Walmart and when we got home it was lunch time.  After lunch is nap and Lily was actually pretty tired and wanting to take a nap.  So I had her go get ready (potty, pull up, etc) and she's all "Mommy, you read me a story."  So she's thinking she's not leaving with Grams.  I had her go ahead and give Joel and I hugs and kisses.  That way, I knew we were sure to get in some hugs and such before the possible meltdown hits.  So, again, she's thinking this is all normal pre-bed time routine.

Meanwhile, Grams is loading the car and carrying Lily's stuff out the door and Lily asks, "Why is Grams taking my clothes?  Why does she have my coat?"

And then I have her sit on my lap on the couch and I told her Grams was putting her stuff in the car because she was going to go with Grams when she leaves.  

Then I brace myself for the crying.  Cause she's going whether she likes it or not!

And she hugged me really hard and said, "I'm going to go to Grams' house and play at the outside playground."  And then we talked about all the other fun things she was going to get to do at Grams' house and she was ready to go.  She took herself outside and got in the car and there was absolutely no fuss whatsoever.    

I'm so proud!

(Sorry for the picture-less post.  Didn't take any of the departure.)

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