Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy 5 Year Anniversary

On Friday, Joel and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary. 

To commemorate the occasion, we went out to dinner on Saturday night.

Mom came to watch the kiddos for us.  Tyler was a little clingy before we left.  But he was fine before we even got out of the driveway.

We went out to a nice seafood/steakhouse in downtown Indy.  It was pretty delish.  And very lovely to have dinner and be able to talk to one another without talking over the kids, or catching a drink just before (or after) it's spilled, or wishing we had a dustbuster to clean up the floor after we're done so as to reduce embarrassment over the mess we've made.

We did a little reminiscing about our first few dates and months of our relationship.  We both struggled to remember exactly how things went.  We remember all the moments, but we can't quite remember the exact order of things.  I suppose it's generally the woman's job to remember all the details, but my memory is shot, shot, shot. 

We had a really nice time with one another.  Made some grown up plans and talked about grown up things.  And I can't WAIT until we get to continue our anniversary celebration in the Bahamas!  Only 61 days to go!

1 comment:

  1. Do you at least remember making your first date because I think I have some recollection of drunk dialing Joel while in Chicago for St. Patrick's Day (I mean your birthday!)
