Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Work A Barn. Done.

Finally, finally, finally, the barn is finished!  This was seriously the project that we all thought might  NEVER END. 

But it did end.  Thank God.  You know how you always go in to a project thinking, "This should be pretty simple.  One day, tops!" and then you get started and next thing you know, you realize you've GROSSLY underestimated the details and it's more like four days or a week?  Yeah, pretty much every single stage of this project was like that. 

There for a while, every time Tyler didn't know where Joel was, he'd say, "Daddy work a barn?"  And every time he'd come across his toy hammer or saw or other construction tool, he'd say, "Mommy, I work a barn, k?"

The weekend that the kids and I went to Evansville for the Fall Festival, Joel worked his hind end off finishing up the siding. Again, I was thinking, Joel's got it so easy!  We're going to be gone for 4 days - he can do the siding in 1-1.5 days and then he'll have time to relax.  PUH-SHAW!  He worked his fingers to the bone (I almost mean that literally!) and when we rolled back in to town Sunday afternoon, he was just starting the clean up process. 

And lastly, he got the fencing all put back in place.  We can now say we're DONE!  (Do you like my use of the word "we?"  See, even though I lifted very few fingers in the actual construction efforts, I still say I was an integral part of the barn raising as someone had to keep the house running, laundry going, grocery shopping done, dinners cooked, kids looked after and so on and etc.)

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