Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, November 10, 2014

Potty Training For Real.

Tyler's class has started potty training in earnest this past week.  Which is nice because Joel and  I decided about a week ago that we were going to get serious about potty training now that we are done with crazy work and weekend travel.  

During our hotel stay this weekend, in the morning while we were waiting for the water park to open, I asked Tyler if he had to go potty.  He normally poops every morning and hadn't yet done that.  I was mostly being selfish in asking him to poopie because I really didn't want to clean up poop from a wet swim diaper.

So Tyler says he does have to go potty and makes a bee line for the bathroom.  He's very big about "I do it myself" to take his pants down and undo his diaper.  Joel perched him up on the potty and a few seconds later we hear some grunting coming from the bathroom.  

Me:  "Tyler, are you pooping in there?"
Me:  "Are you done?"

Joel gets up to investigate and sure enough Tyler's crapped a bowlful (Joel's words).  "Hurry up and come see this!  Quick!  He already flushed so you have to hurry!"  It was disgusting and I was SO EXCITED that I didn't have to clean that up from a wet swim diaper!

Since returning from our trip, we've been trying to remember to put Tyler on the potty at least once an hour.  So far so good.  A few dribbles in the pull up here and there but no soaking and he's going almost every time.  

So proud of this little guy!  He just might get underwear for Christmas.  What a lucky dude!

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