Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pumpkin Carving and Halloween.

This year, we got our pumpkin carving done just in the nick of time.  As in the night before Halloween, we finally got around to it.  And even at that, in the interest of time, it was a seriously abbreviated event.  Joel prepped the pumpkins (scooped out their guts) while I gave the kids a bath and then we gave them each a marker and told them to draw on the face that they wanted us to cut out.  Both kids were more interested in watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse than drawing on pumpkins...

After the faces (or scribbles in Tyler's case) were drawn on, Joel and I cut them out.  Lily's turned out really good.  She was pretty proud of it.  Tyler was melting down and not at all in the mood to pose with his.  That's ok, Lily hammed it up enough for the both of them.

For Halloween, Tyler dressed up as Spider-man and Liliana wanted to be Elsa With Wings.  I'm guessing that while there were probably at least 4,000,000 Elsa's running around on Halloween night, my Elsa was the only one with wings.  

I worked REALLY HARD on Lily's braid.  I was trying to get it to go kind of sideways on her head so that the braid would lay over her shoulder.  It didn't work so good.  I busted out the sparkly bobby pins I wore in my wedding hair.  Lily thought that was pretty neat.  

Unfortunately on Halloween, we got a crappy turn of the weather and it was misting rain and totally FREEZING.  As in, no-way-am-I-going-to-allow-my-kiddos-to-walk-the-neighborhood-and-get-sick-and-rack-up-$150-worth-of-doctor-bills cold.  Plan B was to head over to the mall and trick-or-treat there.  It was pretty lame, but a bazillion times better than walking around in the cold.  

Tyler was in rare form.  Cried and cried and cried.  I think he was super tired.  Couldn't get him to wear his mask at all.  He wanted to put it on himself but then couldn't get it yet didn't want any help so just got mad and threw it and yelled at everyone.  I think he has a little bit of his sister in him. 

Once he realized he could get some candy, he relaxed a smidge.  Well, at least broke his crying fits up  a little in between getting more loot.

Since trick-or-treating was a near total bust, we decided to treat the kids to eating out "at the restaurant" instead.  Lily is forever asking if we can eat "at the restaurant" which is totally mind boggling because she almost never eats any food from any restaurant.  Pizza Hut is about the only place we can take them where they actually eat the food that is served at the restaurant.  So that's where we went.  

We got a large pan pizza and between the four of us, ate it all.  We marveled at how much the kids ate.  Lily ate as much as I did.  We are really in for it when they get a little bigger.  We'll need two large pizzas to feed our little family of four.

After dinner, Lily asked if she could do more trick-or-treating so we agreed she could go to three houses in the neighborhood.  (Three cause she's three...some day this logic is going to backfire on us...)

After that, we headed home to pass out candy to any crazy fool trick-or-treaters who might stop by.  We had 3 different groups to which Lily immensely enjoyed passing out candy.

And now, due to the inclement weather, I have SO MUCH CANDY leftover.  Crap.

Oh, almost forgot to mention that Joel got in on the Halloween fun at work too.

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