Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Adventures in Potty Training.

The day started around 5 when Tyler woke up crying in his bed.  He actually stayed in bed until about 5:25 before getting up in search of his Daddy.  But he found me instead, much to his colossal disappointment.

He asked me to change his diaper (which was only pee pee filled) so I did.  Then got him some milk and worked on convincing him it's not wake up time.  We even bought a special "Ok to Wake Up" clock that turns green when it's time to get up.  I showed him it wasn't green yet so not time to get up.  He whined a little, but stayed in bed.

I went ahead and took my shower since it's now only 5 minutes from my normal wake up time.  Upon getting out of the shower, Joel comes in to get me and says, "You got to see this."

There's a 50/50 chance that it's a good thing when he says that.  Today the odds were not in my favor.

I come out of our bedroom to see a couple piles of gooey poo in the hallway, accompanied by poo footprints and Tyler standing in his room with no pants or diaper on.

Tyler:  "I pooped."

Uh, you think?

Not only does Tyler's biological clock wake him up every morning between 4:30 and 5, it's also set to have a bowel movement between 5:30 and 6:00.  We know this.  It's pretty consistent (what I wouldn't give for this kind of consistency!).  So why I didn't have him sit on the potty and try to poop when I changed his diaper at 5:25, I do not know.  I can only say that I was not totally with it and just focused on getting this boy to go back to bed for another half hour.  

Joel said that Tyler came to our door with his pants around his ankles, holding his diaper.  Apparently, Tyler recognized the urge to go to the bathroom and pulled his pants down, removed his diaper (while in his bedroom) and then just didn't make it to the toilet before his bowels betrayed him all over the floor.  

The bright side?  While he may not have made it to the bathroom, he did make it to the hallway and off the carpeting making clean up a lot easier.  

The other bright side?  Potty training him might be pretty easy.  God or ruler of the toddler universe or whoever is in charge here, please don't punish me for saying that and string out potty training for a year. He clearly understands his body and knows what it feels like to need to potty.  It's just training him to recognize it a little sooner or hold it a little longer. 

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