Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, November 3, 2014

Creative Movement.

Welp.  It's official.  We have a dancer.  We bit the bullet and enrolled Lily in dance class.  It's an introductory class for 2-4 year olds called "Creative Movement."

She's been to two classes so far.  The first class, she just stood there the whole time and didn't participate.  Which I found out afterwards because they close the door so the younger ones don't escape and run for their parents.  This was no surprise to me at all given how Lily can practice the school Christmas program for 3 months and then just stand there on the day of.  

Anyhow, I asked her if she had fun and she grinned and said yes.  Then I asked her if she wanted to come to the class again and she said no.  Doh.

On the way home after that first class, I asked Lily about 5 more times if she wanted to go to the class again and every time she said no.  I kept asking her if it was fun and every time she said yes.

Then she randomly asked me if we could go shopping.  So it hits me.

Me:  "Lily, if we go shopping and buy a dancing outfit, do you want to go the dance class again?"
Lily:  "YES!  Can we get a dancing outfit right now?"

So, we went to Target and I dropped about $30 on a leotard, tutu and tights. 

She went to the second class, SUPER EXCITED to wear her dancing outfit and she danced!  And she loved it.  And she told me she wanted to keep going.  

So I officially enrolled her and paid our money.  $25 registration fee.  $75 costume fee for spring recital.  $55 for November classes (one 30 minute class per week).  Then off to Payless for shoes - that was another $20.  GULP.  

But look at these pictures.  Worth.  Every.  Penny.

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