Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Princess Elsa Tea Party.

While at the grocery story at 6:30am on Saturday (yes, that was early, but when your household wakes up at 5:15 and refuses to go back to sleep, you might as well get something productive done), Lily asked me if we could have a tea party.

So I said, "Sure!  What do we serve at a tea party?"
Lily:  "Uhmm, food and tea!"

So when we got home at 7:30am, I decided it was far to early for a tea party so I stalled the whole thing for a bit while we did laundry and the like.  

At one point, I was making Lily's bed, and she comes in and asks for the 47th time if it was time for the tea party yet.  

Me:  "No, honey, not yet but let's talk about what we're going to have at our tea party while I make your bed."

Lily:  "Tea."

Me:  "Well we don't HAVE to have tea.  We can have something else to drink since you don't like tea."  (Actually, I don't like tea.  I have no idea if she likes tea, but I'm going go out on a limb here and say she doesn't.)

Lily (bursts in to tears):  "But Meme said that I have to at least TRY the tea!"  

I busted out laughing.  I don't know if her Meme REALLY told her that, perhaps when she was on vacation in TN, or if Lily made that up.  Either way, her distress over the whole matter was quite amusing.  I told her we didn't have any tea anyways, so we'll just put milk in our tea cups.  She calmed down pretty quick.

At one point, I had a mild stroke of genius and angled to have the tea party at our normally scheduled lunch time.  THEN, I back in to getting Lily to pick lunch appropriate foods to serve at her tea party.  Like mini-PB&J, pretzels and applesauce.  Unfortunately, there was no convincing her that peas or any other vegetable belonged at a tea party.  Oh well, still a pretty big win to get her to eat something besides pepperoni, so I'll take it.

It was also made special enough by drinking milk out of a coffee cup, eating off of "fancy plates" and eating at the little table in the living room.

Finally, you really can't have a tea party without cookies or SOMETHING delicious, so the kiddos were treated to some fresh baked (premade, break apart) chocolate chip cookies once they finished all their other food.

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