Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Passed Out Standing Up

Tonight while Joel and I were in the kitchen putting away groceries, doing dishes and cooking dinner, Tyler was playing away in his jumper.  Until he wasn't. 

Joel goes around the corner and says, "Oh you gotta see this."

That poor boy was so tired he PASSED OUT in his jumper.  He didn't fuss or cry or anything so I didn't realize he was so tired.  Just one minute he was playing and the next minute he was asleep!  His Aunt Jenny used to fall asleep in strange places (dinner table, swinging, etc) so perhaps he takes after her!

Update on Lily bedtime's still mayhem.  Last night, she screamed and carried on so much I was really losing it.  Joel read on the Internet to threaten to close the door.  Then if they still don't stay in bed, actually close the door and hold it closed for 1 minute.  Then open it, put the kid back in bed.  Repeat, holding the door closed 1 additional minute each go round.  I didn't like this idea because I thought it would just scare her more.  But after her screaming and crying for an hour, I was pretty much open to any idea. 

So he tried it and I was so upset that I ran in to my own room and cried for a bit.  It's so awful.  A two year old screaming like that.  But amazingly, after he did that one time, she stayed in bed and eventually after another 15 or so minutes, she settled down and went to sleep about 9:00. 

So I guess threatening to shut the door transferred her focus to making sure we left the door open vs making sure we were standing in her doorway.

But tonight, it didn't work the same way.  I threatened to shut the door.  She still got out of bed.  So I shut the door and held it closed.  Do you have any idea how HARD that was - emotionally and physically (that girl is STRONG)??  After about 30 seconds (which felt like 30 minutes) I opened the door and made her get back in bed.  Again she shifted the focus to yelling at me to "LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN" instead of "STAND by the DOOR."

I went to the living room and watched the monitor.  After about 2 minutes of yelling to leave the door open, she changed tactics....

She started saying, "Mommy, I hurt my finger.  I hurt my finger Mommy.  Mommy I got a boo boo on my finger." 

That girl is SMART.  She's figuring out what will make us come running to her aid.  She cried "Mommy I hurt my finger" for over 30 minutes.  THIRTY MINUTES!!  And it was constant.  I was watching her on the monitor the whole time and I didn't see her do anything to hurt her finger.  She was playing me.  And it almost worked.  About 20 minutes in I wanted to go to her but Joel was like, "She's fine. Don't do it."

She finally gave in and and now she's laying down and it's quiet and it's only 8:30!  Sweet relief!!!  Only 1 hour to put her bed!!  We still have a long way to go to get it back to the 20-30 minute routine, but I'll take this big improvement and count it as a win. 

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