Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, April 8, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house?

I have the cutest kids on the face of the earth.  C - U - T - E!  Just sayin'!

Tonight I had volleyball and it was the tournment so I was gone for dinner and bedtime and Joel had full run of the household.  In between games, I get a text.  Looks like Joel's got dinner totally under control!

The other day Lily was blabbering on like she does and just generally being a sweetie and then she tells me, in a very serious voice:

"Mama, I'm going to brush your hair because I'm a doctor."

What?? Haha, I'm not sure if she thinks my hair needs some help?  Perhaps the day she spent with Grams in the beauty shop had some affect on her thinking that beauticians are like healers for the hair?

Anyway, then today, she was playing around with Joel's ear plugs and told me:

"I'm going to tie this around my arm because I'm a doctor."

I have no idea where this doctor thing is coming from but it's so cute.  You want to become a doctor?  You go girl.  I better kick the college savings account up a notch....

Today was school picture day at the daycare.  Lily and I had a disagreement (first of many??) about what she was going to wear for picture day.  She wanted to wear her Dora shirt.  I wanted her to wear anything except something with Dora on it!  Then she wasn't really interested in getting her hair fixed. I had visions of curling it.....I'm an idiot and those visions were quickly replaced by just being satified that I got her hair out her face!  Tyler was a little doll.....I was so sure he was going to puke all over himself before the pictures were taken at daycare so I snapped a couple at home just in case (I also sent a back up outfit but it wasn't as cute as this one).

This past weekend, Lily was getting braver about playing with the neighbor girl, Madison.  I think she's about 5 or 6.  I'm pretty sure Lily was trying to boss her around.  That's my girl!

Lily and Tyler are getting pretty fun to watch as they play together.  Tyler will grab anything that's within his reach.  We keep telling Lily that if she doesn't want Tyler to get her stuff, she can't put it down next to him!  She's learning, but not fast enough....last night, they were playing on the floor and Tyler got a hold of Lily's hair and came away with a giant chunk of it! 

Lily's still at it with the camera.  Some of her latest photos aren't too bad!



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