Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, April 29, 2013

Virus Round 2 and School Pictures!

We've just spend the second weekend in row with a child in a feverish state.  This time Lily's got it and she seems to have it worse than Tyler.  Her fever has spiked to 103 more than once and she gets chills when her fever is at its worst.  Last night she was up several times in the night.  Once, she just needed a hug and story.  Once she just cried out.  And the last time, she started hollering "I puked!  Mommy, I puked!!!!"  Luckily she hadn't had much to eat yesterday and so there wasn't much for her to puke up.  And unfortunately, I didn't go back to sleep in between each of those episodes, so today I was dragging BAD. 

I stayed with Lily today and worked from home.  I'm so lucky to have a good boss that gives me that flexiblity with pretty much no questions asked.  Lily was pretty good all day except when the Tylenol or Advil wore off.  She'd be fine and happy and chatting a million miles an hour and then bam! she'd start crying and shaking and her fever would spike up.  I'd give her more medicine and within 30 minutes, the fever would go down and she'd be playing and chatting like nothing was wrong.  Crazy.

I called the doctor this afternoon, because after her nap her fever spiked up to 102.9 again and she was weak and shaking.  I called too late in the day to get a hold of anyone and I'm sure they will tell me not to worry unless her temp gets to 104 or the 102-103 lasts for 5 days.  Hard not to worry when your kid is shaking like that and crying and burning up and won't eat. 

But again, after the Tylenol, she was wanting to run around and play outside!  She ate a few french fries tonight and a couple crackers so that was pretty good.  I had been bribing her with everything including ice cream and candy and she wasn't even eating that! 

In Tyler news, his bottom left front tooth FINALLY poked through!  He's only been working on that for about 6 weeks now.  The right side isn't far behind.  Now the fears of him biting me really kick in to high gear!  It's only mildly painful when there's no's a whole new ball game when the teeth come in!

Also, I got the kids "school pictures" in late last week.  They turned out so good!

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