Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, April 22, 2013

My Sick Little Bird

Poor Tyler has had a fever for the last three days and he's got a stuffed up nose too.  Poor little guy.  He's so pitiful sounding with these little whiny, mewing sounds. 

The fever started on Saturday and was about 101 early in the day.  I gave him Advil and he started to cool down and acted pretty happy.

But by that evening, he got very agitated and his fever spiked up to 103.  I called the doctor on call at the hospital and, as usual, I'm told not to worry.  If his temp went up to 104, then I should worry. 

And twice in the last 24 hours, he's been so stopped up, that he couldn't nurse.  No amount of sucking out his nose was helping so I resorted to pumping and feeding him with a medicine syringe!  Chirp, chirp my little bird!

But this morning he still had a fever of 101 so I took him to the doctor, but of course, by the time I actually see the doctor, his temperature is down to 99 (I didn't give him any medicine today).  Sometime between 6 and 9am his fever broke.  The doctor said his ears look good and lungs sound fine so he probably just has a little virus that has to work it's way through the system.  That'll be $57, please.

I hate this stupid virus!

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