Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, April 8, 2013

Seven Months Old!

My baby is seven months old. 

Weight: 19.6lbs (~75th percentile)
Length: 28.5 inches (~90th percentile)

Sleeping Habits:  Tyler is a pretty decent sleeper....Finally!  He goes to bed at night around 7-7:30 and usually sleeps until 6-6:30.  He pretty much puts himself to sleep...just give him his blankie and pacifier and he's good to go! For the past couple weeks we've had nights where he's woken up in the middle of the night, but if I gave him his pacifier, he would immediately calm down and go to sleep.  During the day at home, he naps really well.  He usually sleeps 45 minutes at a time with typically one nap going well over an hour to an hour and a half.  I'd say he gets in 3-4 naps a day.  But during the week at daycare is another story.  He doesn't sleep that well there and often only gets in a couple short naps a day. 

Eating Habits:  Tyler nurses 3 times a day and gets 3 six oz bottles/day at daycare.  He eats every 2.5 hours at daycare and usually makes it 3 hours between feedings at home.  He's also getting a stage 2 fruit for breakfast, a vegetable for lunch and then I alternate fruits and vegetables in the evening for dinner.  We've tried giving him snacks like puffs and yogurt melts but he's NOT into those yet.

Awake Time:  For the last two weeks or so Tyler's been sitting like a champ.  He rarely falls over now.  He reaches for and grabs toys that he wants, which usually happens to be whatever Lily is playing with.  He's putting everything in mouth.  I really think his bottom front teeth have got to come in soon.  You can see that his gums are swollen and I think they've been bothering him for a while.  He's also drooling a fair amount.  So I hope they come in soon for his sake.

This boy is seriously the happiest. baby. ever!  He's always in a good mood unless he's hungry or sleepy.  He loves to giggle.  He's still super ticklish and loves to be tickled.  He bounces like crazy in the jumper.  He really loves that thing.

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