Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

This morning was Joel's turn to sleep in so I was hoping all morning that Lily wouldn't see her Easter basket sitting on the floor by the back door so that Joel would be there when she "opened" it.  
Somehow she didn't see it until right when Joel got up.  She said, "Awwww!  Is that a surprise for ME??"  Then she tore in to it!

Tyler was pretty excited too.

 Lily helped Tyler put his monies into his piggy.

Tyler got some yogurt melts in his Easter basket.  I tried to give him one and he spit out. 

So I put it in his mouth again.  And he spit it out again.  I think he freaks out over the texture of something solid in his mouth.

So I put it in his mouth one more time and this time it stayed in but he wasn't too happy with it.

He started gagging on it.

He REALLY is not a fan.

Finally, it dissolved enough for him to eat it but he was none too happy with me!

I guess Tyler's just not ready for totally solid food yet!

This afternoon, we had an Easter egg hunt in the back yard.  Lily was mostly interested in finding the eggs with chocolate in them.  She couldn't have cared less about the ones that had money in them!  One day, that will change.

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