Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

6 months old!

I simply can not believe my baby is 6 months old already.  Here's the handsome little devil....

Height:  28 inches  (88%)
Weight:  18lbs 8.5 oz (70%)

Eating habits:  Tyler's nursing in the mornings, getting 3 bottles (as of last week we're up to 6 oz now per bottle) at daycare, then nursing 2 times in the evening.  We introduced baby food this last month!  He is getting a stage 1 fruit in the mornings and I am trying desperately to get him to eat a vegetable in the evenings but I am rarely successful in getting more than a few spoonfuls in him.  I don't know if he just doesn't like it, isn't hungry, is too tired or what.  Maybe I should try giving him peas for breakfast!  The daycare also suggested that Joel feed him instead of me because he might not want food from me....we'll have to experiment.

Sleeping habits:  Tyler has been sleeping through the night for the last couple weeks but every time I put on the blog that he's sleeping all night, that night he will wake up at 3am.  So here's to not jinxing it!  His naps at darycare are all over the place.  He usually sleeps several times a day and at least once for 40 minutes or so.  Occassionaly, he'll get a really long 2+ hour nap in at daycare.  At home, on the weekends, he sleeps much better.  He follows eat, awake, sleep and when we get to the sleep part, he usually sleeps at least 40 minutes each time and often gets in a 1.5-2 hr nap in the afternoons.  So I guess there's just too much going on at daycare for him to sleep good.

Awake time:  He's so active, rolling all over the place and grabbing at toys.  He's pulled his playmat over on himself several times.  He jumps out of his bouncey seat if I don't have him strapped in.  He LOVES to jump!  Loves it.  Just the other day, Joel had to raise up the seat because Tyler's legs are getting so long!  He likes to put his feet in his mouth.  He's generally a very happy baby.  He laughs and giggles when you talk and smile at him.  And he's SUPER ticklish! 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE HIM!! He is so ridiculously cute. I can't wait to see him again. He reminds me so much of Jackson when he was a baby. Hard to believe it has been six months.
