Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Daren't I Say It For the Blog Will Jinx It!

I was thinking this morning that I have quit a few accomplishments to blog about, but we were busy all day so I didn't get around to blogging until this evening. 

What I was GOING to say was that I think we've got this potty training thing LICKED!  For the last three weeks, we've only been putting Lily in pull ups for naps and night time and she's done so well with no accidents.  I've stopped getting super nervous every time we get in the car to go somewhere.  She's been doing really well with telling us when she needs to go.  And twice today, she took herself without even telling us she was going! 

And then.....after all that success.....I was feeding Tyler on the couch and she comes over to me and says she had to go potty and then a look of sheer panic crosses her face and she peed herself.  One accident in 3 weeks - that's pretty good.  I'll take it. 

Tonight while Lily was in the bath, I discovered that she's gotten both of her bottom 2-year molars.  Well they've fully broken through the gums but still have a ways to go before they are all the way in.

Tyler's also had a big week.  He can sit on his own for a few seconds or even up to a minute if he doesn't get too excited about grabbing his feet or reaching for a toy!

I think green might be his color!

Little Lily the Photographer's been at again.

Last night we ate out for supper and I think Tyler was wanting something to eat too!

And Joel took this super cute picture of Lily eating at White Castle.  Too bad she wouldn't eat a burger.  I thought maybe since they were little hamburgers, she might be interested.  But no.  She looks so grown up in this picture, I can hardly stand it.

We played outside a while today!  Lily was going to town with the T-ball set she got for xmas.

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