Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Off to Grams' House Lily Goes!

Yesterday we celebrated Ayden's 3rd birthday down in Santa Claus.  Unfortunately, Jenny was sick so it we didn't get to have her and Josh and Jackson there with us. :(

Ayden had a ball opening his presents.  He couldn't have cared less about opening his cards - get me to the presents!!

He got a fireman's outfit from his grandma Kim and he wore it the rest of the afternoon. 
Except the hat.  Ayden didn't care much for the hat so Lily took the opportunity to wear it.

At one point, we were changing Lily's clothes so she could go play outside.  She was stripped down to her underwear and she grabbed the fireman's hat.  HILARIOUS!!  I wasn't quick enough to get a good picture....

We really lucked out with the weather and Lily had so much fun playing outside. 

Ayden took Lily for a spin around the yard in his Raptor.  Lily was laughing for the first 10 minutes and then I think she got too scared from Ayden's reckless driving!!

Lily tackled the swing set like a champ!  At first she was pretty nervous to climb the ladder by herself and she wanted Joel to help her up.  After about 2 or 3 tries, she got it down and then didn't want help anymore! 

We left Katie's house around 7 last night and got home around 9:15.  Lily slept the whole way home, she was SOOO tired out from playing hard all day.  And then real fun began.  Lily cried and screamed and cried and cried some more and it was 1:00am before we got her to go to sleep!!   About 45 minutes later (not long after I had finally fallen asleep), Tyler wakes up crying.  Uhhgg....So it was after 2am before I finally got to sleep and it was pretty restless sleep after that. 

We got up this morning early to get ready for Lily's Easter program and Easter egg hunt at the church daycare.  I was pretty much dreading it because the whole family was exhausted and I was sure it was all going to be a battle.

I did manage to get a picture of Lily with her Miss Stina.....Poor little girl was sooooo tired!!

Lily did ok when the kiddos walked in to the church but as soon as she saw me, she was done. 

We couldn't convince her to go back up to the front for the program.  She did start singing while sitting on Joel's lap toward the end. 

Tyler looked sooo very handsome.  When I came home with that pink shirt, Joel said, "Is that shirt red or pink?"

I said, "It's pink, he'll look so handsome!"

Joel said, "Let's not make that a habit, please."

He was so good during the whole service. We've got ourselves a good little boy. I sure hope he stays so sweet! I'll have to come back and read this later when he's giving me 40 kinds of hell as a toddler and then again as a teenager and probably countless times in between!!

After the church service, they had an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos.  They held it outside and it was FREEZING!!  Lily didn't care too much about the cold.  She did great at grabbing up the eggs but she kept getting distracted by the candy inside (she's her mama's girl!). 

When we got back home, I packed up Lily's bags because she was going to go on her first trip away from home without us!!  Lily was headed to Grams' house for the week.  She was pretty excited to go bye-bye with Grams.

Nobody cried!  Not even me!  I think I'm so tired and a little bit relieved that I only have to look after two kids (Joel and Tyler) instead of three for a few days!!

I talked to Mom after they got home to Evansville and she said, "Lily's a little apprehensive.  She's not sure if she made the right choice!"  But I talked to Mom again a couple hours later (NO, I wasn't calling to check in on Lily!!) and Lily was doing fine and playing.  Here's to hoping Grams doesn't have a nightmare on her hands at bedtime tonight!!

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