Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who Needs Structure? Not us!

This week without Lily has been so strange!  I'm simultaneously missing her like crazy and enjoying the break from chasing both kids.  I've been trying to spend time enjoying and playing with Tyler and that's been really nice.

Joel and I have gotten really lazy without Lily around to keep us on track.  It's funny how by trying to provide structure for Lily, by default we are providing structure for ourselves so without Lily, all routine went out the window!  We haven't cooked all week.  We haven't eaten at normal dinner time.  Not that Lily eats what we cook anyway but we do try to cook and eat supper by 6 or 6:30 every night.  We've had two loads of clean laundry laying the floor since Sunday that we just folded and put away last night.  This isn't like us....we usually fold and put away clothes as we wash them.  Wednesday was bath night this week for Tyler, instead of Tuesday and Thursday.  Joel has spent time out in the garage after Tyler's gone to bed....also not normal.  Usually we're so tired after the kids go to sleep that we just sit on the couch and stare at the TV until it's time to go to bed! 

Tyler's sitting like a champ now!  I'm pretty sure this is the cutest little boy EVER!  He's such a happy baby.  I wish those front bottom teeth would just go ahead and come in.  I think that they are hurting him and he's waking up a lot in the middle of the night because of it.  Typically, if I just give him his pacifier, he'll settle down and got back to sleep but the other night by the time I heard him and got to him, I think he'd been awake for a while and was pretty upset.  In my groggy 3am state, after about 60 seconds of trying to console him, I just gave up and fed him.

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