Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, August 26, 2013

Tyler's Fourth (?) Word

I truly believe that Tyler's first word was "mama" and his second word was "dada."  I think his third word was "bye bye."

But all of those, I can never really tell if he means what he's saying when he says it.  It's not super consistent.

However, his fourth word is definite. 


He knows what a ball is and he can say it as he's throwing it and bouncing it to you.  There is no question on this one. 

That boy loves this basketball.  I don't know how early Joel got started playing, but Tyler's all about it and he's not even 1 yet.  If this keeps up, there won't be any needing to encourage him to play, he's going to beg to play!

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