Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, September 5, 2013

One Year Old!!

Happy happy birthday, my sweet sweet boy!


Tyler Daniel, you bring so much joy to my days.  Your kisses are enough to melt away any hardness in my heart left over from a stressful day at work or just from the general craziness in the day.  You are so happy.  All the time, happy!

Length 30.25 inches (60%)
Weight 21.84 pounds (40%)

Sleeping habits:  No changes!  Bedtime at 7:30.  Sleep until anywhere from 6-7:30 depending on the day.  You take two naps a day.  Good long ones at home on the weekends.

Eating habits:  We are still nursing every morning and through your birthday you have gotten 3 5 ounce cups (no more bottle as of 2 weeks ago!) of breastmilk at daycare.  We are also nursing the afternoon around dinner time. 

You have an insatiable appetite!  You love to eat nearly anything and everything we put in front of you.  Just when I think you couldn't possibly eat any more, you yell at us to give you something else!  You are Lily's personal garbage disposal, often cleaning up whatever is left on her plate.

You can put away a whole piece of pizza in one sitting.  And eat a vegetable with it.  It's crazy you're not a 40 pound toddler!

Activity time:  You've stood by yourself for a second or two a couple times but you immediately sit down.  You can walk behind toys with no trouble but you have no interest in walking while holding on to someone's fingers.  You crawl all over everybody to get to what you want (which is usually the remote or someone's cell phone or some other item we'd rather you didn't play with).

You love balls.  You love to throw them and play catch with us.  You can even say it!

You blow kisses and it's so, so sweet!

Talking:  You have said Mama,  Dada,  bye-bye and ball - in that order.  Although "ball" is the word you say most often and in the right context.

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