Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tyler's Birthday Party.....The Recap

I know that Tyler's birthday party was three weeks ago, but I've had a busy few weeks so I'm just now getting around to posting some pictures from his party.  Here we go!

The food spread was pretty simple:  burgers, brats, hot dogs, hashbrown casserole, mac 'n cheese, chips, pasta salad, and.....Elmo inspired fruit trays and Hawaiian punch!

After lunch we played outside for a while.  We had really beautiful weather!!  Uncle Josh was walking Tyler around the yard.  Poor Tyler and his perpetual snotty nose! 

We opened presents outside.  Tyler was spoiled rotten, of course!

Little help from big sis!

Uhhh.....why did someone give me paper??

Is that it??

After presents it was dessert time!

Meme made these cute Teddy Grahams race cars.

Cuttin' out the middle man (hand) and just put my whole face in it!

We rented a jumpy house for the kids to play in which was a big hit!  Obviously!


 And we wrapped up the day with some family photos!

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