Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Mystery of the Meatball SOLVED

For the last few weeks, Lily has been having these panic, crying fits over "the meatball."

She would randomly, out of nowhere, tell us that she was scared of the meatball.  That she didn't like that meatball. 

We've asked her over and over again if "the meatball" is a person.  She said no.  We got Tyler a meatball sub from Subway (which he LOVED) and Lily wouldn't try it (of course).  This was the only time we'd ever talked about a "meatball" in our house and we didn't think her fear of meatballs had anything to do with that.

She did, at one point after lots of prompting, tell us it was on "the movie" (that's what she calls everything on TV..... everything is a "a movie" if it's on TV).  Once she told me it was on the movie, I wasn't too worried. 

But as time has gone on, it has escalated from her just saying "I'm scared of the meatball" to her saying she doesn't want to go to school because of the meatball.  She would cry at night that she didn't want to go to school the next day.  In the mornings, she would cry when I told her it was time to go to school.  "I don't want to go to school Mommy!!!"  When I'd ask why, she'd say, "Because I'm scared of that meatball!!"  I'm CRYING over this.

I haven't run in to her teacher in quite a while at the daycare (she gets there after I drop the kids off and had been leaving before I picked the kids up) so I hadn't had the chance to ask about it.

Well, Lily was really freaking out this morning about the meatball so I promised her I would find out about the meatball and make sure the meatball never came back to school again.

So I asked the morning teacher if she knew anything about a meatball.  She did not.  She asked the other morning teacher.  She didn't know either.

A little while after I left, I got a text from Ms Christina.  Apparently there is a Sesame Street tape they watch that is of Snuffleupagus chasing a meatball (or something like that).  Christina said that some of the kids really don't like Snuffy and maybe that's what Lily is scared of. 

Mystery solved!  Christina was going to tell BethAnn about the tape and ask her not to play it anymore.

When I picked up Lily up today she said, "Stina said the meatball is gone."


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