Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy First Birthday Tyler!

Happy Birthday to Tyler!!  And what a nice birthday indeed!

Tyler enjoyed (I'm sure) a typical, fun-filled day at daycare.  Then, I picked up the kiddos after work and met Joel, Meme and Papaw at to Johnny Carino's for birthday supper where Tyler scarfed down more milk, bread and pizza than Lily.  I finally had to cut him off since I knew there was cake in store for him later!  Man can that kid PACK. IT. AWAY. 

When we got home, I wasn't sure if Tyler was going to stay awake for presents and cake, the poor fella was so sleepy (a belly full of milk, bread and pizza will do that to you!). 

Check out those sleepy eyes!

 Tyler wasn't getting too much in to ripping this paper.  I have to believe it was because he was so sleepy.  Perhaps better paper ripping will ensue during his birthday party this weekend.

Present #1:  ELMO!

Where's Elmo?


Second present:

A ball!

Then on to some presents from Meme and Papaw!

(Insert pictures from last night when Tyler got some early birthday presents.)

He loves this car!  In, out, around, push, climb, honk, open door, close door.  This is easily an hour's worth of entertainment in one shot.  The only problem:  How to keep sister away!  Lily was extremely interested in Tyler's car and kept wanting to know when it was her turn.  "Tyler, get out!"  Ha!

Back to tonight, we had a couple more presents for Tyler, but he was slipping away and getting sleepier so we bypassed those for now and moved on to cake!

Tyler kept stretching to reach over his high chair tray, trying to get to the cake!  He wanted it BAD.

And how about that cake, eh?  My husband, the artist of the family, iced this wonder for Tyler.  (He insisted I take several pictures as proof of his involvement in the birthday preparations!)

From last night.....

He is so weird.....

But he did a great job!  The cake turned out super cute!  Well done, Daddy!

Anybody else enjoy the strategic placement of the candle as mush as I do??
We tried to get Lily to sing to Tyler but she wouldn't do it.  Then we tried to get her to blow out the candle, but she wouldn't do that either!

And then, the moment this little boy has been waiting for HIS WHOLE LIFE!  Well at least for the preceding 5 minutes when he was introduced to that giant Elmo head that looked ever so tempting.

Hmmm, what's the red stuff?

Oh, yeah, that's pretty decent.

Let me just go ahead and pinch off a little bit bigger bite.

Anybody got a fork?

Forks are for sissies.... I got this....

Maybe if I just go ahead and pick up the whole thing....

Nom, nom, nom....

Wow, this stuff ain't half bad!

Let me just set some off to the side for later.

Is it later yet?

Mama, have you ever had this stuff?  This is AMAZING!

Aaaahahahaaha!  Sugar Rush!

Oh, gosh....Need....Milk.....glug, glug, glug.....

Seriously, guys, there's like a whole great big bunch more Elmo over there, which I can help you eat....seriously....

Whoop...I think there's a little bit here stuck between my fingers.... Let me just get that....

I think he liked it.....

And Lily enjoyed it quite a bit herself!

And a quick attempt at a family photo.... why are these so hard??

All in all, I think it was a good birthday for my baby boy.  Now can't wait to celebrate with all the family this weekend!  More cake!  More presents!  More fun!! Whoo-hoo!!

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