Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our 10 year anniversary....

......Cummins and me, that is.  Actually my anniversary date was 7/16/2013.  But this morning, I was officially recognized and received my handy dandy bracelet!  Too bad, more vacation days don't come with this milestone.  Now THAT would be handy!

It is so completely crazy to me that I have been working full time for TEN YEARS.  My, oh my, have things changed in 10 years.

A Thursday in my life 10 years ago:
  • 6:30:   Wake up
  • 7:30:   Get to work
  • 10:00  Meeting
  • 11:30  Eat lunch with friends
  • 2:00    Meeting
  • 4:30    Go home
  • 5:30    Get ready, eat supper 
  • 6:00    Head to Indy
  • 7:00    Go line dancing
  • 11:00  Drive home
  • 12:00  Go to bed
Simple!  Just a few meetings.  Eat lunch!  Go home, have some fun!  Go to bed late and still wake up on time the next morning.....

A Thursday in my life today:
  • 5:45:    Wake up, shower, pack pump stuff, pack lunch, load car, get Lily's breakfast, pack Tyler's milk
  • 6:30:    Wake up Tyler, change diaper, change clothes, nurse
  • 6:50:    Wake up Lily, change clothes, fix hair, put on shoes, give her breakfast
  • 7:15:    Load the kids in the car
  • 7:25:    Drop kids off at the daycare
  • 7:45:    Get to work, email
  • 8:45:    Pump
  • 9:00:    Meeting
  • 10:00:  Meeting
  • 11:00:  Meeting
  • 11:45:  Pump
  • 12:00:  Meeting (Eat lunch at my desk)
  • 1:00:    Email
  • 2:00:    Meeting
  • 3:00:    Pump
  • 3:15:    Email
  • 4:00:    Meeting
  • 5:00:    Go home
  • 5:15:    Fix supper, wash pump bottles, wash baby bottles
  • 5:45:    Nurse Tyler
  • 6:00:    Eat supper
  • 6:30:    Clean up supper, kids bath
  • 7:00:    Play with kids
  • 7:30:    Put kids to bed
  • 8:00:    Blog, knit, stare at TV
  • 9:30:    Get ready for bed
  • 10:00:  Try to fall asleep
Busy, busy, busy, busy day. 

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