Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Eleven Months Old!

Tyler is 11 months old.  ELEVEN.  ELEVEN MONTHS. 

Height: ~30 inches (75th percentile)
Weight:  ~21.6 lbs (50th percentile)

Sleeping Habits:  Goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps until I get him up around 6:30-6:45.  On the weekend he takes two really good naps.  During the week at daycare he usually takes 2 naps of 30-45 minutes each.  Then most days, when we get him home, we put him bed around 5-5:15 and let him sleep for about 20-30 minutes or so while we're getting dinner ready.  We kind of fell in to this routine and it works really well.

Eating Habits:  We nurse in the morning, three 5 ounce bottles at daycare and we nurse in the evening before supper.  About a week ago, I finally stopped the 9:30-10:00 pm feeding - for good this time.  Tyler doesn't need it and hasn't needed it for a while, but I was worried my milk supply would suffer if I stopped that feeding.  Now that I've only got a month to go, it actually is time to start weaning my body a little so I cut it out. 

Table food - does this kid LOVE food or WHAT?  He eats almost EVERYTHING we put in front of him.  We feed him pretty much whatever we are eating.  For example, in the last week he's had:  stuffed bell peppers (rice, ground chicken, cheese, peppers), stuffed zucchini (ground turkey, cheese, jalapeno, tomato, pepper, onion, tomato sauce), pasta with spicy meat sauce, corn on the cob (cut off, of course), hamburger, hot dog (sans casing).  He also got his first taste of chocolate chip cookies.  Uh yeah, he was all over that.  He's becoming a bit of a garbage disposal, eating whatever's left on Lily's plate that she won't eat.  I'm pretty sure there are some meals that Tyler eats more than Lily.

Activity Time:  Tyler's all over everything everywhere.  He's cruising along the couch.  I've gotten him to walk holding on to my fingers one time for a few steps and then he abandoned me and took off crawling.  He started waving bye-bye in the last couple weeks and I and today he said it!!

Poor guy is drooling like crazy.  He's getting 4 top front teeth at the same time.  The incisors are a little ahead of the middle two so he kind of looks like he's getting fangs until you see the other teeth coming.  I'm pretty glad the vampire stage is going to be short!

He love love loves playing with the basketball.  This can keep him entertained for 30 minutes.  He rolls it and chases.  Picks it up and throws it.  Hits his hands on the top and sort of bounces it.  It's so cute!
Talking:  I'm all but claiming "mama" as Tyler's first word.  He says it all the time and sometimes he looks right at me and says it.  We do get some dadadada's in there as well.  He baby babbles all the time.  And then there's the "bah bah" I got this morning for "bye bye."  Even though this isn't talking, it's worth noting.....his crying is sounding less and less like a baby all the time.  The other day, he was fussing and I was in the other room, and for a second I didn't know if it was Lily or Tyler! 


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