Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, August 9, 2013

First Week of "School" and 2.5 year milestones

I didn't manage to take any pictures on Lily's first day of school with her new teacher, Miss BethAnn.  There's a good reason for that.  And that reason is because it took me 45 minutes just to get Lily dressed and out the door. 

She was screaming and crying and removing clothes faster than I could put them on her.  She didn't want to wear any of the clothes I picked out and she wouldn't pick out any herself.  She didn't want to wear socks but she wanted to wear her princess tennis shoes but she didn't want me to put them on her but she didn't want to put them on herself.  She wanted something to eat but not cereal, a bar, but not that bar, this bar, not this bar, cereal.  GAAAAAAAH! 

She was screaming and crying and I was screaming and crying and it was NOT FUN.

Meanwhile Tyler is crying and crawling up my legs and generally getting upset because everyone else in the house was upset. 

And that's why I didn't get any pictures of the first day of school.

So, we're going to have to settle for the 3rd day of school...

Lily has been doing so good on potty activity.  We haven't had any accidents in a long time but yesterday when I got home Lily was wearing her "back up" clothes from daycare.  Joel said there's a funny note on the counter from Nancy (which is actually Tyler's teacher but she was covering during a break for Lily's teacher).  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of it but basically it said:

"Lily had an accident today and when I went to change her clothes, she didn't have on any underwear.  Just wanted you to know why there's no underwear in with the rest of her dirty clothes."

I was completely:
1) Baffled
2) Horrified
3) Laughing hysterically.

After some investigation, I got on Facebook and messaged Ms Nancy:

I saw your note! Oh! My! GOSH!! Hilarious!

I have been trying to give Lily some independence in getting dressed.... which is why some days her clothes DO NOT MATCH.

So this morning, she picked out one outfit and I told her that it really didn't match. So she picked a different skirt and she put that on... OVER her underwear. Well then a few minutes later (while I'm feeding Tyler in Tyler's room), she came in the room with a different pair of shorts on. She had changed again, by herself. It didn't even OCCUR to me to check if she kept her underwear on when she changed her shorts! I was just so proud that she changed her clothes by herself and her outfit somewhat matched!

That's all I can figure happened is that when she took off her skirt to put on the shorts, she took her underwear off with it. The discarded skirt was in the laundry basket but there were a couple pairs of underwear on top and I can't remember which ones were on her the first time she got dressed to know if one of the ones in the laundry were actually the clean ones.

I'm laughing so hard right now! So sorry if it creeped you out! I promise I don't normally send my kids commando!! Lol!! Have a good night!
No, it made me laugh so hard. When I asked her where they were she looked at me then turned her head and said mommy forgot. It was a great moment. I enjoy spending time with her a little throughtout day when BethAnn goes to lunch. Pleasure to get to know both your kids. Lily is a great listener and a big helper. Jordan her friend calls me Fancy and Lily always chuckles at her

Soooooo, that's what things are like in our house sometimes!! 

I realized that I let the 2.5 year old mark slide by me for Lily without kind of documenting where she's at developmentally. 

Let's see, where should I start.....

She can count to 1-11 and then she skips to 13.  Every time.  No matter how many times we tell her about 12, she apparently has no respect for that number.  Occasionally she keeps counting beyond 13 but often the numbers stop making sense and they just end in "er-teen."

She can recognize by sight around half of the capital letters but we haven't really sat down with her to see exactly what she knows and what she doesn't.  I know she definitely knows:  A B C D M L T.  She knows L is for Lily, T is for Tyler, M is for Mommy and D is for Daddy.   I think she also knows G is for Grams and P is Papaw.  I think she gets confused with M is for Meme because M is for Mommy and I think she's still trying to figure that out. 

She sings and sings and sings and sings.  Lily loves to sing.  The most sung songs these days are:

B-I-B-L-E, that's the book for me.  ..... stand alone the word of God.  B-I-B-L-E.  BIBLE!  BIBLE!

Jesus loves me, THIS I KNOW!  For the bible tells me so.  Lit-tle ones to HIM BE-long! They are weak but HE is STRONG!  YEEESSS! Jesus loves me, the bible tell me SOOOOOOO!
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! 

But actually, lately, she's been singing it like this:

If you're doh-dee and you're doh-dee, doh-dee-doh!

Physically - she can skip, jump on two feet, run, climb up in the car and on playground equipment, do somersaults

Personal Stuff:
She can finally, completely undress herself.  She's just learned in the last week or two, how to take her own shirt off.  She can put her underwear and shorts on and gets that right most of the time.  She struggles with getting her shirt on.  She's almost there but not quite yet.  She can put on her own socks but they are usually all cattywompus on her feet.  We recently got her some new tennis shoes and they are still kind of stiff so she's having a hard time putting them on by herself.  Prior to these, she could put her own shoes on and got them on the correct feet more often than not (probably luck though).
In the last month or so, she's gotten more independent about going to the bathroom by herself instead of demanding that someone go with her.

She brushes her own teeth (although sometimes I get in there and brush too just to make extra sure they are getting clean).

She usually washes her own body in the bath, but I wash her hair and I usually clean out her ears (which she HATES) and I scrub her lady parts and hiney. 

Play time:
She enjoys playing with her babies and coloring.  She plays with her food and cooks for us sometimes.  She likes to play matching games and LOVES my tablet but we don't let her have that very often (maybe 1x per week at most).  She loves to be outside and pretty much wants every day to be water day. 

She still loves the camera!


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